
Pressure in r****m...?

by Guest60225  |  earlier

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I am currently 37 weeks ans 2 days pregnant. As of monday I was dilated to a 2 and 85% effaced. I have had a ton of pressure in my rectal area like i always feel the need to go #2. Does this mean that labor is on the way or could it still be weeks away?




  1. I went through this too. I felt the need to go all the time and sometimes i could but mostly i couldnt. it went away after about a day or so. but sadly it was not the start of labor. this doesnt mean that yours is not. your body could be undergoing the cleansing process.

  2. Could be labor . The baby is moving into position to come out

  3. Labor could be on the way. With my first baby, I was 2 cm dialated and 90% effaced for 7 days before I had him-he was 2 days early, and with my second, I was 2 cm dialated and 70% effaced for 10 days before I had her-she was 5 days early. So, it is possible-just be sure to pay attention and see if regular contractions start. If they get about 5 min apart, then I would call your doctor-or of course if your water breaks (this didn't happen with either of mine) Good luck and Congrats!

  4. It means labor is definitely closer! It could be up to 2 weeks away. Good luck.   =)

  5. The baby is coming very soon. This is pre-labor as the baby is dropping.

  6. It's really common. When I was in labour I felt the same way. I would say you are close, but I'm not a doctor! Good Luck.

  7. i was 37 weeks and 2cms at my routine doc visit, and my cervix was still thick. well l ended up going into labor that same day, the pressure is probably the baby's head that has moved inti your pelvis, are you having contractions, contractions that are so painful it's hard to talk through them? that;s when i knew i was in real labor... but better to call your doctor and ask. Good luck, have fun!

  8. probably sooner than later, your child is probably pushing on your bladder pretty heavily.

  9. I am having twins and I have been dealing with that same pressure for a month. I am 38 weeks fri and being induced on sat. My doc said they pressure was normal due the weight of the kids.I am dilated to 3 and am 85% effaced as of last Thursday.
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