
Pressure on my butt at 32 weeks?

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I know probably TMI but is it normal to have pressure on your butt at 32 weeks?




  1. its normal and very uncomfortable,  but the baby is just settling down there and getting ready for birth.  

  2. Baby is probably in position... Quiet normal and a good sign. It's quiet common to get hemorroids too because of it. That's what happened to me sadly..  

  3. I'm sorry... what do you mean by pressure on your butt?

  4. It's important to make a distinction between "pressure" and "pain".

    Pressure is normal in pregnancy.  As the baby grows, it takes up space along with the amniotic fluid and placenta.  Your internal organs will be displaced to make space and this will result in pressure.  This symptoms is most commonly felt in the late 3rd trimester.  

    Pain is not normal at this stage in the pregnancy.  Pain is usually sharp, bothersome, and unpleasant.  Pain should always be discussed with a medical professional.

    You should also look for additional warning signs such as vaginal bleeding, a change in vaginal discharge, constipation, diarrhea or fluid leaking from the v****a and report these to a physician immediately if they are associated with pain OR pressure.

    Finally, some times it is not possible to differentiate between pain and pressure.  If that is the case, you should also speak to a medical professional, they can perform an exam or do tests to determine if what you are feeling is normal or abnormal.

  5. yeah that is normal. everything starts to feel pressure about now....

  6. I had that for a couple days. A friend of mine said she was like that for 2 weeks and finally went to the hospital and found out she was in labor! (I called her and asked about it, cause I thought it was weird).

    I would ring the dr to see what they say. You might just need to take a stool softner. TMI Sorry! :)

    35 weeks.  

  7. God yes...My butt killed me towards the end of my pregnancy...These last weeks are the most uncomfortable of all...As the baby moves you might feel different pain in different places...

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