
Pressure underwater?

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Is there anyway to equalise the pressure underwater. When underwater around the depth of 12-16ft my ears tend to ache due to the pressure. Can i stop this i goes once i reach the surface but its painful at the time. I only ask this because im starting a PADI course soon (scuba-diving) and that includes swimming up to depths of 18ft. By the way im a boy and am 16 (dont think that will effect it though!)




  1. the only thing i think would help is specially molded ear plugs

  2. can you not wear ear plugs or something to stop the water entering your ears? Surely, there must be something out there. try sports shops and ask there.

  3. Hi  I am a qualified diver (To PADI Advanced level) and i've been diving 4 years.

    You are taught how to equalise during your course, it's one of the first things they teach you. There are a few ways to do it and they work for different people so it's a case of seeing what works for you.

    The first (and Preferred) is Holding your nose while breathing through it. You can feel your ears pop or equalise. DON'T hold your breath while doing this.

    Some people can equalise by moving their jaw from side to side or by swallowing. Some people do a combination of all three.

    When you dive, a wetsuit with a hood can stop as much water entering your ears and some people prefer this.   Hope this helps, and enjoy your diving, it's a fab sport!

  4. ask the padi instructor... they'd know

  5. I spent about 10 years doing SCUBA as a hobby, under BSAC.

    You have to equalise the the pressure to 'clear your ears'. Sometimes, just swallowing will do it. You will find that your mask is made in such a way that your nose can be pinched with your fingers. Holding your nose closed, you gently blow out, and your ears clear as they are connected to the back of the throat through the Eustachian tubes. This equalises the pressure. You can try this right now. Hold your nose closed & mouth & breathe out. Your ears will pop. This is the correct technique.

    Richard (UK)
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