
p*****n boys?

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I have a daughter 19, and never had issues at all with her now I have a 12 1/2 year old boy who hates me at times but loves me at times--I thought girls were harder?? At baseball games he ignores me and says to go away and at home he sometimes screams at me--calling me loser--which he is punished for--no friendsover/video games--me and his dad are div--will he get over it??? I feel I am a good mom as he is healthy, has clothes, help with homework/take him to his sports--go to all his games and cheer him on--just feel like I am missing something--or just boys-




  1. im by no means any kind of expert on teen boys. mine is only 2.

    however i do know that my younger brother is the same way to me, not to my mom. i think your son is just a normal teen boy but he is a little on the harsh side. when he tells you go away at his games im sure that has to just rip your heart open but the only reason he says it to you is because he wants to look "cool" in front of his friends, and no teen that i've ever seen wants there mom hanging around, so thats normal.

    with him calling you a loser and yelling at you..maybe he's feeling some resentment because of you and dad getting divorced. have you talked to him about the divorce at all? explained why you and dad couldnt work it out? that may help a little. even though divorce happens and its usually due to both people. if you made dad leave for some reason then he may be blaming you. i dont know if he is or not but if dad is bad mouthing you to your son at all that could have something to do with it, or visa versa, if you talk bad about dad at all in front of him thats a big no no. he'll resent YOU for it.

    boys are complicated

  2. boys are way harder than girls... especially for the mother seems yous are of different genders..

    lol my moms always looking at my brother asking 'wtf is he retarded or is that just a boy thing?'

  3. Your daughter just appreciated having a supportive mom, but your son might be ambarassed by it?

    As a boy, he might rather have his dad there... even though it hurts. It's also hormones, and getting older. He might like some extra "dad time?"

    My cousin is 11, and the same way. His parents are divorced, and he wants his dad at ALL of his activities, but is ambarassed if his mom picks him up, or cheers loudly at a game.. I guess it's just a boy thing. My aunt still attends every football or basketball game of course=)

    Your son probably secretly appreciates it, he just hides the fact because he thinks he should act a certain way. Keep up with what you're doing! He loves you, and will come around one day=) In a few years, he will more than likely be completely opposite! That's how alot of my guy friends are=)

  4. please girlinca contact me I will like to talk to you my email is  ............. take care :)

  5. He's at the beginning of the puberty stage where he thinks he's old enough to not need his mother cheering for him and treating him like a baby. He needs his space at this time because his body's changing and so's his hormones. As he grows, he'll appreciate you and want you to become closer. He'll get over it. Just leave him be and he'll learn to love your cheering and so on. Hope this helps.

  6. boys are like that

       hes problably embarrassed && i think girls appreciatemore what you give them

  7. hello i don't have any kids but have alot of brother and sister                

    u are doing the right thing about the punishment. an don't let up                sound like he is testing u to see what he can get away with but just stay on him              and remember that's what kids just do. when i was 12 i didn't realize what my mom was trying too do but im glad she did what she did.                             his hormones might be kicking in and that's why he might be acting out              but remember he will be OK

  8. From working with kids from all sorts of environments, I can tell you all that you are doing is good...but, yes, there is something missing.  Look at what you gove him all the material things he needs.  What time do you spend with him?  I don't see what you BOTH do during his free time.  You mention one of his punishments-=-what do you do to reward him for an accomplishment?  

    As for his behavior.. He is exhibiting what my TP calls 'lion pride syndrome'.  Basically, he is following his own hormonal changes, and right now he is the 'man' of the house.  He is testing his authority level, among other things.  If thre  was an 'alpha male' in your home now, there would be some really rough conversations between the males, and it also covers fights with older siblings.  Your question has one answer: yes.  It's being male and yeah, you didnt know this, so there was something missing.  If thee is a local Human Services nearyou, contanct them and ask if they have a STEP (systematic training fo effective parenting) program available.  Other than that, all I can do is tell you what I heard from a counselor: "You can only do your best.  Kids don't come with an owner's manual.  It's all 'hands on' from birth."

    Good luck.

  9. He is going through that stage where girls are not gross and unfortunately for you this is also the stage where mom doesn't need to be around as much seeing that it is not cool around his friends! I suggest the next time he tells you "go away" you grab his little ear and pull him aside and tell him that he is not to talk to you that way and if it happens again he will be in trouble. ( I personally say spanking but that is up to you) When doing this the embrassment of having mommy tell you what to do show bring his ego down, he will be mad, but your purpose his not to be buddy buddy it is to teach him right from worng.
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