
Preterm labor question????

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I'm terriblely scared of preterm labor because I'm been EXTREMELY stressed out during my entire pregnancy. I'm going to talk to my doc about this but I don't go back until the 25th. I'm 29w3d. How early can a baby come and still live?? Or be healthy?? Thanks in advance!




  1. First of all, don't stress about anything that hasn't happened yet.  Otherwise you're causing yourself such undue stress it's not even funny.  And not all pre-term labor results in giving birth right then and there.  One would have to ignore their labor for HOURS (sometimes days) to be to a point that they have to deliver.  As for how early the baby can come and still survive - well it depends on your local hospital to tell the truth.  It all depends on their level of care in their NICU or special care nursery.  A level I is your basic nursery.  They can handle babies 35-36 weeks and older.  Level II can do from 30-32 weeks and later.  Level III can do 28 weeks and a level IIIB can do from about 24 weeks and later.  If you're 30 weeks and end up in labor and go to a level I NICU, then your baby probably won't make it because they don't have the knowlege, supplies or equipment to save the baby.  Granted they can stabilize the baby and ship it out to a hospital that can accomodate, but the stabilization is the hardest part.  

  2. after 21 weeks they can survive after 29 the rate is a lot higher for them to survive. i have an anxiety disorder and was having panic attacks and i was fine, my son is healthy and BIG. he was 9 pounds 8 ounces at birth. just RELAX. take a deep breath only 10 weeks 4 days left

  3. My son was born at 20 weeks and the doctors told me that they could have saved him if I had been 24 weeks or more. That was in 2002. There are new procedures coming out all the time so it is hard to say for sure when a child can be premature and healthy. Try whatever you can to unstress and if you feel even the slightest bit like you may be going into labor, get to the ER. Full term is 38-40+ weeks. Try to relax as much as possible.


  5. You can have a baby around 24-26 weeks and it live, it would have to be in the hospital till it weighed 4 pounds. The Dr.'s considered me full term when I made it to 36 weeks, because thats really 9 months. When u go to the Dr. on the 25th u can have them do a stress test on the baby, I had one and all they do is hook u up to a monitor for bout an hour. Until then just try to relax as much as possible. Good Luck

  6. from what I've heard, I think around 27 weeks the baby can live, but its chances arent very good, every week after that it gets better and after about 32 weeks the chances start getting pretty good, and once your 36-37 weeks your usually considered full term, and have a really good chance of survival.

    I think the earliest a baby has ever lived is like 23 weeks, but thats not common, and they would have to be in the hospital for months.

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