
Pretty girls always have an attitude problem...?

by Guest57708  |  earlier

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I really dislike "very pretty" girls. They always seem to have an attitude problem- they are b*tchy and mean. The girls who wear revealing clothes have that attitude and they are so sl*tty. Why are sl*tty girls mean to other girls? Is it because they think they are better- so they have to behave like a bully and be sure they get whatever they want because they feel they deserve it more?




  1. i think i remember you, the SDA from bukidnon.

    yeah, i agree with you with the style  of their dresses, they better do it in the w***e house and not the perimeter of the SDA compound. Must be having attitude problem with the administration forcing people to attend worship service and that is a  sign of silent protest.

    on the other hand, church grounds are mostly a place of people who are hypocrites, playing holy to catch kind hearted persons

  2. I think you are the same person who posted this question about Filipina's having low morals:;...

    In my opinion i think you are just jealous and you have low self esteem, What ever those girls are doing in church are between them and their God.

    And you want them to burn in h**l for wearing see through clothes, you should be thankful that those girls go to church, that's a good thing.

    And I'm sure you go to that church because you see those girls, i mean isn't it wrong to judge a person and to wish bad things on them, and for you calling Ian an Idiot? what kind of Christian are you?


    And also stop TROLLING around and bad mouthing Filipina's, you obviously have a problem.

    I know this is your troll:;_ylt...

    because you mentioned that you went to Adventist in bukidnon in this answer:;...

    and you said the same thing on your  other question:;...

  3. Why did you call them sl*tty?  Is it because they turned you down?

    Edit:  Since your told me you're a girl yourself, my answer will change.  I think the reason you think they have an attitude problem is that you don't have the kind of looks they have.

    It is YOU who has a problem.

  4. are you a fuglee pinay?

  5. Personally, I think that all of you should get the **** off her case, putting her down because she's human and has normal feelings which we ALL possess. I am a man and of course, I really like hot pretty girls like all men, and yes, most of them are cold, bitchy and conceited. There are few that are nice and will talk to even us quasimodos. Bless them, for sure. But hey, there are a lot of average looking girls who also hold such a high-attitude of themselves that they come off as bitchy and conceited as well. I say embrace your imperfections and shortcomings, they are after all, what makes us human and not Gods.

  6. so what is your question? you can't get a date?

  7. why you call them sl*tty now?  i think you really cannot find a pretty girl or pretty girls won't like you either coz you already showed your attitude on this post.

    you just got dump by a pretty girl i think that's why you call them names now. lol.

  8. Very good answer Binibini.

    I don't know why you are so concerned about them. Don't worry about other peoples looks. Keep in mind that looks are deceiving.

    Most young adults have a lot to learn about life and themselves. One day these young women will realize that life is not all about wearing nice clothes and being arrogant and you need to learn more about yourself.


    so are you ugly? because you hate pretty girls.

    it only means you're not one of the pretty girls.

  10. Nope. Some pretty girls are very nice some are not. Some "facially challenged" girls are very nice and some are really haters like yourself. I know a lot of girls who are short of charm and are very mean and always looking for a way to fight you. And most nice people I met are pretty and most unbelievably mean, devilish people I met are not on the pretty side. They criticize just for about anything they can think of and make it a big deal. And they are a bunch of gossips. I used to work in an all-female job.......the meanest are the fuglees and the undeserving and the nicest are the pretty ones.

  11. i think you have self-esteem issues.  and jealousy problem.

  12. You cant just judge a person just by looking at them. Honey, try to go to the metro. Not just the metropolitan area in your province (since it seems like you're from Bukidnon), but try going to  Metro Manila. You haven't seen the BIGGER jungle.

    Additional : THUMBS UP To Thad Tacoma =D

    I checked the link Binibini posted....and MAN, you have a serious problem!

  13. Don't think so. It's more like the ugly ones have the attitude problem. That's why their ugly, their getting their payback(karma) sent back to them by their ugly looks. That's why ugly people are mean.

  14. You're absolutely right ... Sorta.

    Attractive girls that are hit on all the time have this thing called a "***** shield." They aren't really b*****s, but they must maintain this attitude to ward of gentlemen suitors like yourself, because they, and you, are very annoying.

    I hope this helps.

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