
Pretty names...... ?

by  |  earlier

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My mom's name is Heidi

My name is Haylee... and we both share the same middle name of Rebekah.

So when I have a baby girl, I want her name to start with an H too, and have the same middle name.

So... something like this:

Heather Rebekah

Harper Rebekah

Holly Rebekah

What do you think? Too complicated? Would people confuse us? Any other 'H' names that you like?

Also, what do you think of these names?

Jace Mitchell-- boy

Elyssia Tiffany-- girl

comments and suggestions are greatly appreciated :]

and no... i'm not pregnant, just love to look at baby names :]




  1. I think that's a great idea!  I have a friend whose family has the same tradition with the same letter, except its the guys in the family.  

    I don't think they would get you guys mixed up at all.  

    My favorite of the three you have picked is Harper, but I think Holly Rebekah is very pretty too.  

    What about the names Hannah or Hayden or Hope?  

    I love Jace Mitchell for a boy.  Elyssia Tiffany is ok.

  2. Hi..I like Hayley and Hannah:)

    Jace Mitchell is nice and so is Elyssia Tiffany..very unique!  

  3. Oh, thats so cool! I think its a great idea to give your future daughter an "H" name and pass on your mom's and your middle name. I love the name Rebekah when its spelled like that! I don't think people would confuse you at all as long as the names weren't too similar, like Hallie and Haylee. Thats way to close. I love Heather. Heidi, Haylee, and Heather have distinctivley different sounds so I don't think it would

    cause any problems. Harper sounds too masculine to me, personally. Holly and Haylee do sound a lot a like and maybe a little too much. How about these (names with a * are my favorites):

    *Hannah ~ Meaning: Grace

    *Hannelore ~ Meaning: Combination of Hannah and Lora

    Hasana ~ Meaning: Beautiful, fair

    Havana ~ Meaning: Place Name, Habana

    Helena ~ Meaning: Light

    Henrietta ~ Meaning: Ruler of the Home

    Hollace / Hollis ~ Meaning: Near the holly

    Hope ~ Meaning: Hope

    *Hosanna ~ Praise!

    Jace Mitchell ~ Thats really cute! If I ever have a boy I would like to name him Jason and call him Jase for short. How about Jason Mitchell?

    Elyssia Tiffany ~ Thats a neat name. I think its pronounced El-iss-ee-uh. Am I right? I think Elly or Lyssa would be a cute nickname for it. It may be a bit complicated to pronounce though. How about Alyssa? Tiffany is cute in the middle.

    I'm not pregnant either, and I don't have any kids, but I too love to look at baby names for my future children. I allready have so many picked out that I like! :o)

  4. I love Harper Rebekah :)

  5. Helen's really coming back. I also really like Hayden.  

  6. Holly, Hannah, and Heather are so old school and ugly.

    Harper Rebekah

    Hayden Rebekah

    Halle Rebekah

  7. Holly or Harper

  8. Harlow Rebekah would be cute.

  9. eeew not Harper! and i am not a fan of the name rebekah but i guess if you enjoy it , well ok then. Here are some ideas

    Haydenne Rebekah

    Hilery Rebekah

    Hking Rebekah

    Harrah Rebekah

    Hindy Rebekah

    Hayla Rebekah

    Honita Rebekah

    Heesha Rebekah

    However,  i really like the name Jayce Mitchell but im not huge on the name Elyssia Tiffany  maybe something like Alicia TIfany or Aliza tiffany or Elise Tiffany

    I hope ive helped

  10. Hayden Rebekah

  11. How about Hannah


    Meaning and origin of Hannah



    Ethnic Origin:



    Gracious; merciful; one who gives.

    Popularity Ranking From 1990 - 2003 * :

      Rank for year 1990 is 31

      Rank for year 1991 is 29

      Rank for year 1992 is 26

      Rank for year 1993 is 20

      Rank for year 1994 is 16

      Rank for year 1995 is 7

      Rank for year 1996 is 7

      Rank for year 1997 is 5

      Rank for year 1998 is 2

      Rank for year 1999 is 2

      Rank for year 2000 is 2

      Rank for year 2001 is 3

      Rank for year 2002 is 3

      Rank for year 2003 is 4

    * Rank 1 is the most popular, rank 2 is the next most popular, and so forth.

       Rankings are from the top 1000 most popular names.


    Expression Number 1: People with this name tend to initiate events, to be leaders rather than followers, with powerful personalities. They tend to be focused on specific goals, experience a wealth of creative new ideas, and have the ability to implement these ideas with efficiency and determination. They tend to be courageous and sometimes aggressive. As unique, creative individuals, they tend to resent authority, and are sometimes stubborn, proud, and impatient.

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