
Pretty or not??????????????

by  |  earlier

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scale from 1-10?




  1. 2

  2. you look somewhat late 30's, early 40's. but for your age, i'd say 8-8.5.

  3. uh.. 5 ill give tips tho ok red lipstck no! that is such a ugly color for your nice lips go with a soft pink or a shiny lipsgloss do something with that hgair get sidebangs etc... lol goodluck!

  4. yess

  5. 6.5-7, normal looking.

  6. 6

  7. not


  8. 5

  9. 8-8.5

  10. 4

  11. 7. you could almost be a 10 if you changed your eyebrow shape, wore neutral lipgloss, changed your hair A LOT =] but other than that, i love your facial structure and i think you have really nice feautures, you're just not using them to their ability  

  12. 3

  13. 9

  14. Well..ehm a 5.5?  

  15. you would be very pretty without lipstick/

  16. 4, you are pretty but your style in makeup is not thats why ive given you a 4

  17. 5.5

  18. I would say average but leaning more to the pretty side than not.about 7

  19. 7/10

    my question:;...

  20. not really...

  21. 8.5

    u r pretty enough to make someone crush in a lamp-post while u take a walk down the street!

  22. yep :)

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