
Pretty woman the movie questions!!?

by Guest59702  |  earlier

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what does the movie pretty woman say about romantic relationships and expectations in terms of love relationships?




  1. I think it is an amusing romantic comedy, though like most modern romantic comedies short on wit.  I find most modern film stars very bland, and Richard Gere is one of the blandest of all.

    If the film had been made in the 30s it would have been Cary Grant and Jean Harlow, and it would have been much better.

  2. i think it says that money doesnt matter and that anyone can find love

  3. Pretty Woman was a modern version of CINDERELLA.

    (she got changed from being lowly, to being able to go to the ball, and marry the prince).

    It is so much the fairy tale romance from the middle ages, that at the end we see the prince LITERALLY rides up "on a white horse" and saves her (from her squalor).

    (((Certainly there must be some well done essays on what all that middle age romanticism  actually says about

    -what women really like

    -how and why men have wanted to view and treat her as such))

    It's disappointing to me that there are "top contributors" here who don't know the answer,or actually possess the links or essays to give to this pretty standard question.

    I find that for a Gender and Women's Studies forum, this place is very below par - because it is infested with perverts,women-haters,political trolls, and  narcs.

    The more seasoned regulars tell me that there USED TO BE a lot of good substance here - but it got chased off by those problems.

    I SINCERELY suggest this is not the place to get the answer you seek. DON'T automatically go with Yahoo's suggested category to post a question in, TRY another category.

    There ARE smart educated people elsewhere in Y!A who HAVE the answer.

    And frankly, s***w GWS. --->Because s***w ANYBODY who'd just passively allow so much c**p to take their thing over ,  and then make excuses about how we just "gotta put up with it"     (And you call yourselves feminists????? --> Feminism is about having power so you can use it.

    Not about simply wanting to whine about what you DON'T have! And then make snide quips. And ultimately never take a single empowered action as women together!!!! WTF

    This is the most powereless defeated place I've been!

    And as to us "just having to PUT UP WITH IT?"

                             -->(News Flash:  I DON'T!)_________________________________...

    So where AM I saying would be a better category to post in?

    How about these possibilities...

    --->under social science...


    --->under arts&humanities...

              theatre, performing arts, philosopophy.


    --->take a look through the list.


    I have years of college but no degree. I have poor writing skills. Like virtually everybody here, I lack what you actually need someone to have in order to best answer your question (--->reliably and informatively).


    I admit what i don't know(starting with to myself).

    -so that I'm not trying to fool you with my self-important BS.

    ...and so I mainly just point, to where it sounds like you may need to go, to get what you seek.

    To that end, I cannot more highly recommend what's right in front of you. The world's finest research tool. The modern internet-connected PC.


    FIND library resources.

    It's power.

    And it's in YOUR hands then (NOT in the hands of any  "white horse riding knights" eh?)


    What makes me feminist is NOT the icky ideas about eliminating gender.

    It's that men have kept women from even LEARNING (or even expecting!) to be able to do things for themselves.. and feel that born right, that individual wholeness, that power.

    We have made women to be hobbled co-dependants, so that they  will serve us - and 'need' to.

    (I would rather you developed yourself first,

         then WANT to (play a  feminine role in a relationship).)

    (.. you don't have to  wear balls , to be able to do things for yourself.

    You can be a really beautiful interesting person of a woman.)


    I personally LIKE the movies Julia Roberts has made,

    because she often portrays the more modern self-reliant and empowered woman

    (in for example,

    Stepmom, where she has saavy, and a confident career

      Mona Lisa Smile, where we see contrast(50's to 90's)

       Erin Brockovich,  where she stands up and demand what's right.)

    You might also enjoy renting Runaway Bride and My Best Friend's Wedding...I don't know why  though , I dont remember them well enough - just that they represent research (or as thought pieces), about what attitudes current society views and encourages about marriage...that whole concept of having to couple, and lose your indivual self in combined roles.

    Very big scary stuff! lol

    (Well if you listen to people here bickering about it, it is!).

  4. I would have liked this movie better if the original ending had been used. In it, Edward (played by Richard Gere) gets tired of Vivian (Julia Roberts) after his little fling with her and then throws her out of his car. Vivian, who was addicted to cocaine, then goes off into a drug-fueled rage.

  5. Movie reviews!!!


    - richard gere's car. Lotus Elise? loving it

    - julia roberts in a miniskirt


    - bit cliche, the whole rich guy going for a "lower class" woman. It's been overused

    3 stars from me =D

  6. It says that if you are a Hollywood producer you can make any old tired idea look fresh and new, and people will love you for it.

    Cheers :-)

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