
Prevacid for my 6 month old, and soy formula question.. 2 part question.?

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1. my son was diagnosed with Acid Reflex... ok, so heres my concern he was put on Prevacid and its a chewable tablet. and my sons 6 months old so im directed to mix it with 4 ml of water and shake it but its wont come out of the oral suringe like im directed to you cuz it still has grains in it from the tablet.. how did you mix yours so your infant can take the pill? An suggestions....... ????

2. If my son has a soy allergy and all he does is spit up is that just him spitting up or is that a symptom of a allergy.. i mean i know it is but does it have to be accompanied by other symptoms as well.. cuz he dont have any others just spitting up...

thanks in advance




  1. I can't help with the first question, but if you're giving your son soy and he's spitting up, it is likely from the reflux. He would likely have more symptoms if he were truly allergic to the soy. He may also have an intolerance for the soy, which is not the same as an allergy, which is another reason he could be spitting it up.

  2. When my son was on prevacid, I actually put the tablet in the side of his cheek and held it there for a minute until it started to dissolve.  He squirmed, but he did get it down.   Once he starts to eat small finger foods, just give it to him and let him take care of it on his own :)

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