
Preventing Global Warming?

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Can you give me a list of ways to prevent global warming?




  1. Maybe the people that care should take half as many breaths as the ones that don't.

    That could help.

  2. Make all movies at one location. Demand that all movies stars live in the same apartment complex. All movies must not be more than one hour long.  That would save tons of fuel that these movies stars use going from location to location. that is only one way.

  3. One thing I started doing is drinking beer from 24 oz. cans.

    This way I throw only 3 cans out of the car window instead of 6.

    Anything I can do to help the environment, don't thank me, I'm just doing my part like everybody else.

  4. Keep Al Gores large warm wind producing mouth shut.

  5. Ways to prevent global warming:


    Drive less

    Try and use less electricity

    Help clean your community

    Plant trees

    I really want to help prevent global warming too!!! I try and do all these things. Hope I've helped you out. PEACE!!!

  6. There is nothing you can do personally but you can save the environment from pollution by using mass transit or car pooling.

  7. We can't prevent global warming, it's already happening. What we can do is try to reverse the effects by switching to alternative fuels (instead of corbon-emitting fossil fuels like oil and coal). By using alternative energy (wind turbines, solar energy, etc.) we can delay or even reverse the effects of global warming. To do this, we need our government to recognize that global climate change is a big problem and will continue to worsen. We need dramatic change in public policy to actually make a difference.

    Also, because we are in the midst of an oil crisis (or soon-to-be), switching to these alternative energies will dampen the oil crisis' effect on us. Americans are "addicted to oil" (President Bush in his State of the Union Address, Jan. 31, 2006). Oil isn't just used to fill up your tank. Oil is used in the production of almost everything that you buy: computers, clothes, plastics, etc.

    I don't know if that answered your question, but I hope it helps. Also, try looking at the site below for more info. on things we can do on a day-to-day basis.

  8. cows yes cows

    they f**t to much!

  9. there is no such thing as global warming

  10. The only way to prevent global warming is to keep the sun's output at a constant rate. The sun has more to do with the temperature of the earth then all of man.

    Think about this, scientist tell us that the earth has gone through numerous ice ages. Somehow the earth warmed enough to get us to where we are now without one bit of man made input. Now scientist ( look at who funds the research ) want us to believe that man is able to affect the climate of the earth.

    The earth goes through cycles of warming and cooling and has long before man created pollution. Many will say that the earth's climate is changing faster sue to man. How do we know this? Man has only kept accurate records for about 100 years so we have a small base of knowledge to work from.

    Pollution is never a good idea so anything we can do to keep the earth clean is good but not the radical ideals talked about, but not lived by, Al Gore and his followers

  11. plant more trees

  12. Clean the air with this Assembly of  out of the box thinking which is already in place in nature, duplication of it natural process will cleanse  --------------our---------------- dirty home! ask me more if you have the capability to give me direction to further research the ideas and verify preliminary investigational research results

  13. There's nothing we can do.  We didn't cause it.

  14. Amazing that people can still think that global warming is not happening. They must be spending too much time in front of computers and not reading enough about the problems global warming has ALREADY caused on the planet.

    Some of the ways of preventing (or reducing) global warming would be...

    Save energy at home (turn off lights, care with air conditioning, do not leave things on stand-by, use low energy bulbs)

    Drive less, share transport, use public transport.

    Take local holidays rather than flying long trips.

    Buy less stuff... it all takes energy to produce.

    Buy green electricity (wind, solar, wave, nuclear, hydro)

    Do not use those outdoor gas heaters for the BBQ

    Buy a smaller, greener car, preferable a hybrid.

    Use your bike

    Buy a windup radio and save on batteries.

    Grow vegetables in your own garden.

    Become a vegetarian (meat causes a lot of global warming, especially beef).

  15. globsal warming is major problem around the world buy preventing global warming

    we did to prodce car that runs with less gas or with water because the cars this day rpoduce aot of oxygen to the air which make the earth hotter

    also green house gas

    and also factory that pollute the air we did to use less enegry and chage the transportion.

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