
Preventing children with tantrum?

by Guest64449  |  earlier

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My wife and I are talking about having kids and the other day I saw a mother with a screaming 2-5 year old kid? (very young, but young enough to walk on his own)

At one point she had to pick him up to bring him to the car. I walked into the convenience store and came back, he was still crying and screaming.

It was obviously embarassing...everyone was looking

But how do you discipline and prevent this?




  1. Small kids that age tend to do this because they are not sure how to express themselves and it gets them attention.  I agree that you have to get on their level and give them discipline, love, and teach them the difference between right and wrong.

  2. You just stay consistent- if it's not ok to stand on the couch today, don't let him do it tommorrow. You have to find a discipline technique that works and stick with it, (Time out, etc.) so the kid can predict what will happen when he misbehaves. With all of that being said- there is no surefire way to prevent kids throwing fits- it happens to the best of them lol.

  3. The biggest part of this is the prevention.  If you put the work in at home, you'll never have to deal with this.  A lot of times you'll see parents that let their kids get away with murder at home and then try to act like supermom or superdad out in public.  You can see how things really are based on how the kids react.

    Kids will push to see how far they can go - it's human nature.  As long as you are consistent with them, things will be fine.  Tantrums usually happen because at some point it's worked for the kid.  Sooner or later, the parent gave in, so the kid is basically being rewarded for acting up.  Just remember that and you shouldn't have a problem.

  4. Honestly at age 2 its going to happen anyways they will throw there fits and embarrasse you. See with my 2 year old i waited to long to start discipling her. But with my 5 month old im gonna start earlier. But you also have to be firm with what you tell them and if you tell them to do it, you make them do it or they will never listen

  5. Well you need to make sure that kids grow up with structure,rules and discipline...Not like bone breaking strict but know that you can put your foot down.

    Tantrums happen and the only way to deal with them is to get down on their level and tell them to stop that behavior.If they don't you leave!You can't stay there with a screamin and yelling kid.

  6. It's harder to stop it than not to allow it to start in the first place.  Most, if not all, tantrums are caused by not taking the time for the children to be properly rested.  Children this age still need breaks in their day but often parents don't want to stop their routine to accommodate this.  I've only had 1 of children have a tantrum like this in public and it was because she was over tired.

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