
Previously I've asked if Do-gooding is destroying us - but are we also in danger from another social plague?

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Vested Interest and the corruption that invariably goes with it and wanting to keep the Status Quo!

I am getting very tired of hearing - 'well that's the way we've always done it'' or ''nobody else has complained'' or your the first person to say anything about this'' etc., etc.,

Why is having an original thought such a crime these days?

As far as I've witnessed, Nature doesn't do vested interest - almost everyday I see and/or hear how some animal or other has 'evolved' in someway i.e. - but humanity would rather put up with something that doesn't work very well than risk ridicule for trying something new which has a risk of faiture attached to it - why can't we as a species 'grow out' of this way of thinking and embrace new ideas?

You could turn round and say - you sound like the kind of person who just wants to have something to complain about - to which I would reply - well I'm certainly spoilt for choice if that is the case!




  1. Yes, some people have hidden agendas... not all.

    Someone's not always wrong or your enemy just because they don't agree with you when you have an original thought.

    Established principles, processes and practices are there because they stood the test of time.

    I've been doing quality management for the past two years. There should be a system in place where someone can make suggestions and then someone with a good objective mind that represents management should really check it out.

    All those hidden agendas, politics and so forth should not be involved in logic or postive results. I agree with that.

  2. mm..interesting..

    definitely, well im not too clear on the 'do-gooding' thing..if you mean that annoying thing where people 'are just trying to help you' [stab stab stabbity stab] PUKE!!** i couldnt agree more. nothing makes me angrier, than someone trying to force their values on to me. seriously. nothing. infuriates. me. more. and maybe thats the crux of it. in this current stage of crisi (<new word, like it?); its becoming plainly obvious, that we're all just trying to antagonise one another. or is it just that the bad guys are trying to beat the good- again (nb, me a good guy). who knows? sure, i have spent many hours fuming over the stupidity of these other people, but at the end of the day, what can you do with them? shoot them? no. hurt them? no. maim them? no. you have to put up with them. if there really is a (sane) answer to this; let me know! no seriously, please.

    as far as status quo is concerned, i think it is same thing. still with the 'its in your best inteterest' line. i read a thing in paper the other day, about fascism dressed up as democracy; i hope for all our sakes, this is coming to an end. gawd knows i have had enough of being treated like the jew that got away. lol. for real.

    ps all/any jews out there; b4 u get upset, and start reporting me for abuse, or whatever, i am not ignorant, i am simply expressing the way that i feel. i am sorry if this offends you. the way of expression, not the expressing. thank you for your time.

  3. I don't think the problem will be do-gooding I think our problem is wars and not paying enough attention to our environment.  We seem to take for granted our planet and ultimately it will be our demise.

  4. don't let that attitude stop you.

  5. Original thought is scary to many people, especially our politicians who want us to be ignorant and narrow minded. It allows them to get away with a lot. Thank God that some people can break out of that mold. It could save the planet!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

  6. To much Political Correctness, is killing us.  No one can freely speak their minds, except Jesse Jackson and Al Sharpton.

  7. I also hate the status quo, for many reasons that other people don't even

    notice. If you want to change the status quo, then one thing that you can do

    is support a maximum hourly income limit, so as to stop the ultra-rich from

    mooching off of everyone else. That policy has widespread popular support

    from what I've seen, but the politicians typically oppose it, because the

    ultra-rich are the people that bankroll them. That is true of both 'right-wing'

    and 'left-wing' politicians.

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