
Price hiked and de-listed?

by Guest65711  |  earlier

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From bread and sugar, to cheese and tomatos, over the past year the price of many products seems to have risen sharply - with some more than doubling in price.

So have you 'de-listed' any of these products from your weekly shopping basket - that means, you'll not buy them because they are now too expensive?

For example : Kit kats and Pringles are now off my personal list. Special offers ONLY.




  1. No.   But I will not buy KitKats or any other Nestle products because of their human rights record...especially with regard to baby milk.

  2. I flatly refuse to eat any more Pickled Walnuts.

  3. UK has always been a rip off country simple as that.

    I left UK and immigrated in early 2005 having been practically taxed out of the country by the incompetent and corrupt Labour government.

    I now reside in Spain, and whilst prices have increased slightly here, I am still able to buy products including some food items imported from UK, at prices which are half of what you lot pay in UK. Last year Iceland have opened a store not to far from where I live. Funnily enough I am able to buy British products which are imported here and yet I am paying only a fraction of the price in comparison to British public. Anyone care to explain how is it possible?? Surely importing goods into another country incurs extra costs, such as shipping, etc

    Slightly off topic but something else for you to consider. My community fee (or council tax) have rescently shot up almost 100 Euros, at the time I thought it was a bit steep considering salaries in Spain are lower than in UK. Yet then again, it includes my rubbish being picked up DAILY (not every 2 weeks like in most ares iwithin UK), it includes my TV license and freeview sattelite. I also live in secure area with 24 hour security and its not even posh or anything like you see on the TV holiday programs.

    Furthermore having received a letter from my electricity supplier informing me that my tariffs are to increase by a MERE 4%, I am now left scratching my head as to how companies within UK justify increases of above 40% for electricity and gas!!! Wholesale prices for electricity and gas are almost 20% higher in UK when compared within Europe - it was on the news and the newspapers. Yet somehow there is no evidence that energy providers are not taking the p**s!!

    My car insurance for example. I pay third less than I would within UK for the very same vehicle. And you know what sucks - my broker is Lloyds of London. How the h**l is it possible that I could get insurance in Spain through a UK broker which is cheaper than the broker's country of origin??

    Don't mean to rub it and no offence but I know where I'd rather be.

  4. Funny that isnt it.

    Oil goes up and so does food because diesel prices have risen and lorrys use diesel to get the food to Tesco`s

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