
Price of a 72 olds cutlass supreme?

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i am thinking about buying this car but i dont know if the price is worth it. it only has 45000 original miles no rust and i think the only thing wrong with it is the ac compressor and the speakers arent hooked up. is 7000 dollars too much? should i get this car? help!!




  1. 7000 isn't out of line if the body/interior are immaculate and the power train is in good shape

  2. If your looking for an antique/classic car and the cutlass is what you like then yes.  If your looking for transportation on a daily basis then no I think you could get something newer for the same money.

  3. I'm curious as to why the A/C would be inoperative with such low mileage. I would also demand positive proof that the mileage was as claimed. Many sellers make statements they cannot verify. On old cars such as this, the odometer can't show over 100,000 miles so they just say what shows is the "original miles". Take a look in the NADA classic car site to get an idea of its worth. Also look on eBay for comparable vehicles. Just on the surface I would say the asking price is high but it may have options or other factors that would make it a good buy at that price. Do some investigation and see what happens.  

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