
Price of boats?

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I am in the early stages of thinking of starting a small fishing charter business in Europe somewhere , to be honest its in the very first stages ,its something iv always dreamed of doing being a competent and very keen fisher.Dont get me wrong this may or not happen its in stage 1 ,iv came in to a some money ,not a fortune but enough to start some kind of venture .Im 40 years old and have been a self employed barber all my life so I can take the good times with the bad if you know what I meen .I know iv alot of homework still to do but if anyone out there does something similar I would love to hear from them . My mane question is how much would I pay for a sea worthy vessel that could take mabey 5to6 passengers out fishing , my ideal location would be somewhere in Spain .The type of boat would have to be very resonably priced but not a dog eg. £15000 or less ,am I dreaming ? I would love to spend 10 times this amont on a state of the art boat but its just not possible.THANKS




  1. there are so many regulations on fishing now, and the fuel it would cost you to run a fishing boat is going up! fish stocks are low and many highly trained fisherman are going out of buisness. (sorry to sound off putting but i just want you to know)

    what i would do is take that money, and invest it into a fishery, like a hige cage in the sea/dam/open water and rais little fish to big fish, all you have to do is feed them!

  2. re price of your boat, you can buy delicensed fishing vessel for very competitive prices, and because of the nature of these vessels they make ideal charter boats, you do not require a pressure stock licence to operate a charter boat, but it would be wise to do the marine coastguard agency (mca) one day courses on safety at sea, first aid, fire fighting, radio licence etc , these cour es are held all over the country and do not cost the earth just your time. try looking on find a fishing boat . com and you will i,m sure find a suitable boat. regards commercial fishing boat skipper.
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