
Price of studying abroad in Paris?

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Hello, I am 15 and going to be a sophmore next year. I was thinking about studying abroad and living with a family in Paris, France. If someone could give me the price and what else i would need to do this that would be great. I wanted to go for a month or even less.





  1. Hello girl !

    im 16 and im going to study abroad for a whole semester in paris on january !!

    i'm afraid that if you want to study abroad you need to go for a semester or a whole year. If you go for a month it will be as if you didn't go to school for a whole month (you wont get any credit !)

    *you also need to speak french (doesn't have to be perfect)

    *you need to have good grades (B or higher !)

    the whole trip is costing me about $8,000 with EF.

    GOOD LUCK  !

  2. You aren't going to get much out of a month or even less.  Go for a summer, semester, or even a year.  Much better for a year, and to answer your first question...much less than the value of what you will get out of it!

    I have no clue on the prices, and they may change pretty rapidly, with inflation and changing dollar these days.  but here's the best set of links you're likely to find on it.

    These are all the best accredited organizations for High School students.

    Go to it!

  3. sorry, i have a stupid question... you're gonna be a sophomore in university at 15 ?  WOW...

    i just dont understand : if you want to stay only 3-4 weeks, WHY do you want to study ?? no university will accept you to come for only 1 month. anyway, you can go at the university and attend the lectures without saying anythg.

    well i'd like to help you, but i don't really understand what you plan to do in paris... 1 month is tourism (if you want to study, just stay 5 months...) : and that are absolutely not the same problems if you want to stay in france (prices, sleeping, visas...).

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