
Price to pay! Do you think it's a good idea!?

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  1. Afternoon Mrs Shady

    I think you can buy insurance for these events now

    Hope Proper Gander reads this - he owes Lisa big time

  2. Hello mrs shady-why can't they just keep things simple!

    A lot of weddings are all show and the true meaning is lost

    Maybe this is another way to make the lawyers rich!

    Fine thanks and hope you are as well

    Michael-keep it simple please! lol

  3. Used to happen in the UK as well, it was called 'breach of contract'.

    The injured party would sue for damages.


    I found this, the first paragraph is, as is now, go to the second paragraph.


    Plato, it surely couldn't get any simpler.

  4. agree 100%

  5. Seems fair, mayebe poeple will think twice about starting the planning if they're not commited.

  6. It's almost akin to a shotgun wedding.....

  7. i have a reason to have insurance for weddings,

  8. no its not a good idea going down the aisle is bad enough

  9. No I think it is an appalling idea. Too many people get married who shouldn't as it is and now this congressman wants to force people to go through with weddings or be penalised. It is madness. I wonder whether this congressman is also a divorce lawyer interested in feathering his nest?

  10. Talk about putting even *more* pressure on a person lol.

    Everything's money, money, money nowadays isn't it?

  11. Hi Mrs Shady! How are we today?

  12. I would rather pay a fine, than pay the price of being in an unhappy relationship that cost is just too high.

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