
Priceline for hotels in New York City?

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Have you successfully used Priceline to get a discounted hotel room in New York City? If so, what did you offer that was accepted?




  1. Compare Priceline with other hotel sites at this one site:

  2. I have not used priceline in New York City, but if you are a free member with the DHS Club, you can also get reward points which can be exchanged for cash. If you would like to become a free member, email

  3. tardis_mom, I visited New York last summer to visit family. I can't remember which hotel I stated at, but it wasn't worth recommending. I found a list of hotels in New York here: I'm sure you can find a hotel to call and help get you situated.

    I had a good time in New York, maybe I should move there...

  4. It will change from day to day, so what another person got will not be the same for you.  I always look at every single hotel in (1) bidding location and (2) star level before bidding.  If ANY hotel is unacceptable, do not bid!  Only bid if you are truly okay with any of those hotels, because the truth is that you can get any of them.  Secondly, as for the price to bid, always bid at least $20 off the going rate, or it is not worth it after paying the booking fees.  If your bid is not accepted, you can go change the location, to a location that has NO hotels within your desired star-level, and you can re-bid that day.  Otherwise you need to wait a day to re-bid.

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