
Prices in thailand?

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Hi, im 16 and off to Phuket late september with mum n dad.

How dear are things to buy, eg clothes, food, drink, petrol and taxis?

How much is beer etc. e.g pints?

Also what is there money called and how much do I get per GBP?

So £1GBP = ? ? ?





  1. Ok, firstly everything is cheap. And I mean CHEAP. Chances are they'll be higher than average on Phuket because it's such a tourist area. To give you an idea you can get a tailor made thail silk suit for less than £150, food in the tourist areas is roughly the same as the cheapest here (talking about restaurant food), taxis can vary dramatically; make sure you agree a price before getting in! Drinks vary too. In tourist bars they're fairly cheap, but still not much less than the cheapest pubs here. In shops they're very cheap; I recommend picking up a bottle of samsong Thai whiskey (be about £3). If you smoke that's dirt cheap with 20 cigs or 25g tobacco costing not much more than £1.

    Their money is called Baht and there is roughly 70Baht to £1 but it depends on exchange rates when you go, though keep in mind if you exchange your English money over there you'll get a MUCH better rate than here. The last time I went (3 years ago) you got about 67 Baht for a pound here and 72 over there. Doesn't sound like much but given how cheap most things are if you change £100 that gives you a LOT more money to spend.

    edit: Yes of course they sell phones, just because they're classed as a developing country doesn't mean they live in mud huts with no technology at all. All electrical goods are cheaper over there and you should have no problem at all finding what you want.

  2. £1GBP = 66.50 bahts.You will not have to worry about prices because everything is so cheap.You can barter with the prices and usually everything is half of the price that they start with.Beer is about 35bahts but it varies from bars to hotels.Food.taxis etc, are allvery cheap.Have a wonderful time.I have been visiting Thailand for over 25 years. It is an amazing country.

  3. Further to earlier answers, yes nearly everything is cheap. Clothes being the best bargain.

    However not mobile phones, you will generally find them as expensive as in the u.k

  4. Hi - enjoy Phuket but make sure you go on Island trips like Pi Pi and James Bond Island.

    You are 16 so I doubt if you will get served at Bars but prices from 50 - 100 baht.

    Clothes are resonable but not as cheap as in Bangkok as Phuket is expensive - 1/3 of UK Price

    Taxis cost about 150 Baht a journey which is a rip off.

    Taxi from airport should be between 700 - 800 Baht dont pay anymore

    £1 = 60 Baht

    Mobiles are better and Cheaper in Uk

    Try and go where the locals eat - always cheaper prices - meals can cost as little as 100 Baht to 600 Baht.

    Have a nice time - Beautifull Place & Beautifull People

  5. First of all....your 16 so too young to drink in Thailand, so wouldnt worry about the cost of a pint....

    Thailand is not as cheap as it used to be and getting more expensive by the day...but cheaper than the UK for most things.

    Yes they do sell phones in Thailand, and we even have satellite TV...!!!!!!...cost of phones is on par with if not more expensive than the UK, as are most eletronics in Thailand.

    Exchange rate is about THB 65 to the pound

  6. £1GBP = 66 baht Thai.

    The price in Thailand is very cheap. It is all depend on how you spend your money. For example: do you want to stay in cheap or expensive hotels; do you want to travel by train, bus, or plane; do you want to eat Thai food or western food. Where do you want to shop etc.

    Good luck and have fun :)

  7. 16 years old and asking the price of a pint...

    Cheers Mate!

  8. cheap!
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