
Prices of scrap metal?

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I have around 30 LBS of Lead, does anyone know what it would be worth if I sold it? Can anyone help?




  1. about £30

  2. Prices on metal change daily.  Check with a local scrap yard.

    Look in the yellow pages for scrap metal.

  3. Buy fishing sinker moulds,melt it,pour it,sell em.Be careful though,that stuff really burns,I know(ex fisherman).

  4. There is no definite answer to this as the price for scrap metal changes by the hour, i do know that copper is the best at well over a £1000 per ton then i think it is aluminium, there must be a web site that could tell you, possibly one connected to the stock exchange.

  5. Get that lead back on my church now!!

  6. looks like lead is a penny a pound
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