
Pricking your finger?

by  |  earlier

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does this hurt? can anyone describe what it feels like to me..

(im talking about to draw blood) cause i have a physical tomorrow

and i wanna know.




  1. It hurts, my finger is usually sore afterward also.  I think getting it drawn from your arm is much less painful.  If you ask the nurse they will usually do it that way, if you prefer.

  2. i had a physical this year.. but they didnt draw our blood or anything? did it say that thats what they were gonna do? cause some of the people at our school said they were gonna make us take off our clothes but they didnt so if you just heard it it might not be true!

  3. I've had it done but I don't remember it, I wasn't completely conscious. It felt kind of weird but my finger hurt afterward. You don't normally give blood sample through your finger if that's what you mean by draw blood. If you get it drawn from your arm it can either barely hurt (like poking yourself with a pencil) or hurt a whole bunch (like stabbing a stick through your arm.) It depends who does it. Either way the pain goes away when they take it out.

    Hope I helped <3

  4. In the first place they shouldn't be drawing blood from your finger, unless it's a quick check of suger levels, diabetics do this every day. It's just a small pinch but if you keep using the same finger it will get sore. They usually draw blood form a vein near the center of your elbow, or from a vein on your hand, wherever they can get a good vein, but not the finger. I don't think that will be done, so quit worrying about it. Good luck to you young lady.
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