
Primary Teacher Undermining Parenting?

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My hubby and I have taught our kids that if you want to do the job right you take you time and do it properly first time round, thus my daughter now in yr 1 is being held back at luch time to finish work and being told that she is slow.

She is extremely intelligent is not behind the class at all but I can promise that almost every luch she is in the classroom finishing the work instead of eating lunch and playing should I front the teacher on this as I know its not a case of being slow or behind the class it is just a case of my daughter wanting her work to be neat and precise and being punished because the teacher wants to flip onto the next subject.

What should I do? I am considering pulling her out of that school and putting her in another or home schooling.




  1. Okay there has to be some compromise.

    The teacher has many kids with varying levels that each child can complete the work.

    Generally she will keep a medium pace with the level where the majority of the students are and try to lift up the couple of students who seem to be doing their work more slowly.

    The teacher isn't saying that your child is dumb because she takes more time to do her work, but if you told the teacher what you just told us about how you want your child to take her time, and you tell the the child that she should take her time.. then you have created your own problem essentially.

    In this day and age your child is going to have to speed it up a little.

    Children are capable of doing good work while learning at a faster pace.

    You say your child can do it, then encourage her to do her work a little faster.

    You could also compromise and ask the teacher to only keep her for lunch 2 days a week if she is behind and let her eat lunch the rest of the days.

    If you start pulling your child in and out of schools and you see that each teacher in each school is doing the same thing, there's something else wrong, and it's not the teachers.

    Perhaps the work she doesn't finish, she could take home and you could help her finish it.

  2. Talk to the teacher, she/he will not know of your concern until you tell them. It is hard, as a teacher, to deal with students like your daughter. If she is the only one being kept back, then the teacher probably feels that by keeping her in, she will complete all the work and gain an incentive to speed up. The rest of the students can't just sit there and wait for her. If they were given a little activity to time-fill for her to finish, she would be still left out. I think you need to talk to the teacher and I hope that you have done this on some level if you are already considering taking her out.  

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