
Primerica. . . Should I sign up, or run away?

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I have heard all of the horror stories, I have read the articles on, I know this is just another rip off MLM company. But if you think that their services are no good, then you need to double check. Because these services really help people. But. . I just do not know. Should I give it a try or not. What should I really consider when signing up with this company. Those of you that tried this and failed, Do not discredit the company because you were not sucessful. It is not for everybody. But I have some doubts, is this a sign telling me to back out.

I need some advice, but not from anyone that has a biast view of the company. Just some helpfull food for thought.




  1. I actually run a home based business in which the founder had the founder of Primamerica speak.  Primamerica seems as though it is a good company and it does have good leadership.  The reason people fail at mlm's is because they think they do not have to do anything.  If you can talk to people, spread the word, and most importantly believe in what Primamerica does, go for it.  If not, you should keep looking.  Good luck!

  2. If you want to TRY and sell life insurance - go ahead, but one like dealing with life insurance salesmen

  3. Primerica MLM success comes when you have these essential 4 things taken care of.

    1. My MLM Prospecting: I use SiteBuildIt to create my websites. There is nothing better.

    2. For getting MLM Referrals: An online/offline support tool for getting referrals for network marketers. This suits people from all companies. You also need to effectively follow-up with customers, prospects and distributors. And the most effective (and efficient) follow-up method for ANY business (but particularly MLM) is sending postcards and greeting cards. This one thing does it all. Need proof? - Take a free trial and you will see what I mean.

    3. My Online Follow-up: Online follow up and the sequencing of timely reminders to stay on top of your relationship building strategies is handled by Oprius. You can take a free trial of this system here.

    4. MLM Training: All handled in the Renegade Network Marketer. Don’t attempt modern day InterNet-work MARKETING without this essential training.

  4. Primerica is a Member of the Direct Selling Association (DSA), so you will have some protection from their code of ethics (i.e. you can get most of your money back if you decide that it is not for you).

    Sit down, and write out your concerns.  Talk to people already in Primerica and ask them your questions.  Take your time and analyze the answers, and if you think it might work for you, go for it...if not, move on.

    There is lots of information on DSA's consumer site and specifically

    Best of luck

  5. The choice is really yours.

    1) Do you like to be your own boss?

    2) Do you like to talk to people?

    3) Do you like to help people and be compensated for it?

    4) Do you like the opportunity to be a business owner (Regional Vice Presidents are business owners)?

    5) Are you willing to make certain sacrifices to make your business work?

    6) Are you sick and tired of being bossed around and be stuck on a fixed income (which is a job)?

    If you say yes to these questions, then you should check the company out and get more information. After that, decide if you want to pursue this business opportunity or not. Whatever your choice is, Primerica will continue to grow with or without you.

    By the way, most of the people on are agents from other companies that hates Primerica, so they post bad things. Other people on there are people who don't understand that Primerica is a business opportunity and not a job opportunity. In a job, you shouldn't be paying for anything. Its a job and you don't own it. When you are starting a business, whatever that may be, you going to need money to start it up. In Primerica, it cost $99 to get licensed in life insurance and in Series 6 & 63. If you don't like Primerica, you can take these licenses with you and work somewhere else.

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