Question: is it a legit site or not? HELP!!!?

by  |  earlier

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is it about to give out my credit card number..please respond!!




  1. No way! My fav spot for cheap but quality jewelry is FO SHO! They have super cute stuff love it! Good luck.

  2. That's all counterfeit jewelry that is illegal to sell, buy and own.  It's a federal crime.  If the company gets caught, the FBI will have your info and may arrest you for buying counterfeit goods.  Not worth it!

    edit:  Real Chanel earrings cost thousands of dollars, not $7.99.  And you didn't know they were fake?

  3. This is the person who has that site:


    This does not mean he is not a member. It means he could have adjusted his profile from searches. It is also another indication that that site is going to expire in May:

    The following link may have restrictions. Its use is solely for information.

    I would not order even if you think the merchandise attracts your eye.

    Try this site instead. It is designer "inspired" jewelry. Not Vuitton,Versachi, or Bangle:

    The above site has been on longer and no bad reports to date:

  4. i checked out that site, and i dont trust it honey! i wouldn't use it.  go to ebay.

  5. The only contact is a email address and the site looks like something thrown together, there is no way I would order from them, remember, if you don't feel comfortable buying from someone, then don't/

  6. idk  but if your not comfortable then go with your instict and dont  purchase    what kind of security check system do they have    do they even have one  if it doesnt  feel right  i wouldnt do it   how did you hear of the website

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