
Prince Charles, Why do we put up with this embarrassing clown?

by Guest44609  |  earlier

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Prince Charles, Why do we put up with this embarrassing clown?




  1. Are Chip and his bride the most unattractive looking people you have ever seen or what!

  2. The pot calling the kettle black.

  3. It would be so interesting to know what qualifies YOU to make such a statement of someone who has devoted his entire life to public service.

    Are you extremely well educated, and possess a documented high intellect?  Have you ever done anything much in the interest of your own country, to towards world peace, or even saving ancient architecture for the next generation.

    Do you speak properly?  Do you pay millions of pounds in taxes?

    Please tell us all so that we can better access your question and see if you are just a jealous A$s, or if there is some real substance to you and your opinion.

  4. What's to "put up" with?  What possible influence does he actually have on your life, other than as an outlet for frustration and/or fantasy?

  5. because you all love the monarchy. if you got ride of them you would be just like us crazy Americans

    seriously don't do it. keep the fool he's fun to look at.

  6. Because he keeps your mother happy *nudge nudge wink wink*.

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