
Prince Charles against GM foods - your opinion?

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A. A far-sighted, profoundly wise view.

B. A hysterical rant from a crank and twit who doesn't understand science and is living in the past.

C. A bit of A and B, like a lunatic screaming 'Two and two make four!''




  1. Hes so thick I dont think anyone is interested in his opinion.

  2. D.  Who cares what Prince Charles thinks.  His opinion isn't going to change anything.

  3. Well it seems as though they are ranting in Mexico, and as we do not know what benefits, or not, that this or any other product will be of beneficial to humans, none of us can comment on it.Until it is proven one way or the other,. I do not like the sound of it, but who am I to say, as I am no Scientist.As for the comment on Prince Charles, he talks a lot of sense, and the people that make such deograty statements should keep their mouths shut.He has a lot more Brain power than some of you have.  

  4. He's an idiot, him and his family own nearly a third of the land in the UK, so it's easy for them to live well with all that land and wealth, but the rest of the worlds population aren't as privileged.

  5. Definitely A.

    Prince Charles talks sense.

  6. I support him on this. GM have been blamed for the death of many Bees. But the EU fascists simply over-ride objections.

  7. Absolutely correct.

    All the GM firms are trying to do is corner the market.

    They claim it will stamp out food shortages but there are none in the West whilst there are virtually no GM crops in the drought countries!!

    Surely that says it all!!

  8. he would not get 10 seconds of media attention if an ordinary citizen      would probably  get certified

  9. Fortunately, I'm American, so don't really care what any so-called royal thinks about anything.

  10. Th problem is the label "GM" - to many this means playing god. Yes, GM crops have been responsible for some problems such as "super weeds" which resist herbicides.

    however, GM can be used to a great advantage. for example, a certain type of wheat can be produced which is half the height of normal wheat - thus making it resistant to the high winds which destroy crops all over north africa. In addition, drought resistant crops which can be massed produced, and therefore cheaply produced, have great potential to feed millions of people.

    so yes, there are problems, but also great opportunities (option C then). the human race has never progressed by standing still.

  11. GM plants are illegal in Mexico. A study done in 2002planned  to compare GM corn against unmodified plants. Scientists were shocked to find that GM plants were growing throughout Mexico. It is assumed that some farmers were planting some seed they bought from America, and the GM plants were spreading.

    It caused a huge outcry in Mexico.


    I would go with answer C. Long term effects on ecosystems are very difficult to determine.

  12. Let me put it quite simple, when peoples bellies start grumbling from lack of food, then the GM food will start to look very appetizing. A full belly is better then an empty one. By the way he is an idiot.

  13. B. A hysterical rant from a cram and a twit who doesn't understand science and who is living in the past.

    No matter what Prince Charles thinks, GM foods are the way forward.  The companies now producing GM food seeds are producing seeds which will grow and mature in land normally considered unfit for farming and food production.  Land which in the past we simply ignored.

    GM crops produce enormous yeilds and are resistant to most pests and diseases and require little or no chemical spraying etc.

    Luddites - Charles is just a Luddite and if we went down their road, cloth would still be woven on handlooms in house lofts and a shirt would cost £300 each - or a weeks pay for a working man.

    No, Chas and people like him are fuddy duffy and stuck in the mud.

    Science has the answers to all of mankind's problems including food production which is of paramount importance in these difficult times.

    If seeds can be produced in a laboratory which will grow in poor soil, let's do it.

  14. A.

    Without a doubt.

    GM food is a bad experiment that will damage our world beyond all recognition.

  15. of course he's right. I'm not his biggest fan but he's no fool.

  16. He is right. You should always listen to the royals. They know what's best for all.  

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