
Prince Charles and Prince William...?

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Prince Charles and Prince William,which do you prefer to be the king in the future?




  1. William!!!

  2. think william would be best  Charlie's past it

  3. prince charles

    as iam a british/irish citizen and catholic royalist, i would want the next in line to the throne

    in true fact, i acctually hope queen ellie goes 6 feet under pretty soon because i hate her

    and only because she hates the IRA

  4. Prince William!!!! Prince Charles is too old. And no body even me wants Camilla as Queen. Kate would be a better choice for queen.

  5. prince william and harry go clubbing in the nightclub beneath my flat. they get drunk and have a laugh same as everyone else in there, so i reckon it would be best if charles did it first if its to be within the next few yrs. let the poor guy have some fun first!

  6. William, most definitely.   I think a younger King would help the Monarchy with its image and peoples perception of them.  I think it would be a huge mistake to make Charles King seeing what he has done to his family, his previous Wife and the general public in the past!

  7. Charles is heir to the throne.

  8. i prefer William he seems more down to earth , he has alot of Dianna in him so i think he would be a better king wheres prince charles is such a pompass *** , and those ears uggg

  9. William

  10. Charles followed by William.

    best of luck to you!

  11. william because I dont want that ugly trout Camilla to be Queen....

  12. i would love them both to be king as it is their birth right Charles has so many good qualities and he will make a great king. i would not like his wife to be queen though.William has so many really good qualities also  we must remember that both Charles and William have been brought up with the understanding that one day they will be king .their whole lives have been in preparation for that day. both deserve to be king in the order that it is meant to be..( William has developed alot of his mothers wonderful qualities and these will help to make him one of our best kings ever )

  13. umm who really cares? you must be even more worthless than they are if you care at all about these bozos.

  14. Charles is tarnished goods, it's got to be William.

  15. Prince william

    Prince charles' ears are too big :-) J.Jokin but I do think William

    dont like Kate middleton tho

  16. Providing that Charles outlives his mother and William outlives Charles then both will be King at some point.

  17. William, Charles is too old now and there is no way I want to look at HER face on stamps and money! Camilla will never be Queen as far as I'm concerned

  18. makes no odds who we prefer... if the queen dies before charles he becomes king.. probably in another 20 - 30 years tho.. she's a tough un

  19. Charles, let's not break with tradition.

  20. Who we want is not the question Charles is heir to the throne and will inherit the crown.

  21. William no question

  22. I'd have to say William, he seems to be the only decent one left... but if/when he becomes King, Kate will suddenly be sliming all over him like the gold digger she actually is

  23. Charles

    The longer we can keep the offspring of the bimbo off the throne the better

  24. They both will be, each in their turn, and that's as it should be.

  25. William more than ever! Who wants that ugly Rottweiler Camilla to be Queen of England? Not us!

  26. to be honest i dont mind but Prince Charles will more than likely step down to let William be king as he will be too old.

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