
Prince Charles and Territorial Army?

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Just been watching the news, which included clips of the Territorial Army parading, infront of Prince Charles and wondered why it was only those in higher ranks that saluted as they passed him.




  1. The troops marching in line salute by giving "Eyes right" or "Eyes left". In close order march it is almost impossible for all the troops to salute properly. The only troops not to do eyes right or left are the markers which is the soldiers on the end of the line nearest to Prince Charles. They look straight ahead and that is to keep the line of troops marching in a straight line.

  2. In the armed forces when on parade it is always the senior officers who salute during the march past the rest of the parade does eyes right or left depending where the person taking the salute is and that is a form of salute

    Ex R A F

  3. More important, why did Charles have more medals and gold braid than the General in charge of the Forces.   What has he ever done to desrve that - or his sons?   Makes us look like a third world dictatorship when they all wear enormous medals - have they no shame at all?

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