
Prince Charles in uniform on the telly is it right?

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I have just seen Prince Charles dressed up in his top brass uniform, dosnt he look smart, but what has he actually done to earn it? I think its an insult to our front line troups working their arses off in afganistan under paid with substandard equipment.whilst he dresses up for the telly. Shouldnt sevice men wear their medals with pride? if so how can he have pride when he has done nothing to get them.




  1. Know, certainly not.  This is laughable what has he done???

  2. im not sure he really has done anything. i wouldnt think so as he doesnt look like he could handle much. and it is a disgrace to see him wear all those medals. the only royal i like is harry as at least we know he was involved a bit more in his training and stuff and he actually wanted to go fight with the rest of his friends. good on him is all i can say.

  3. The royal family sicken me. I'm glad the UN brought up the subject of scrapping them.

  4. Total hypocrisy, but wait until he is king and head of the church of England.....what is it they say about adultery?

  5. The UK Monarchy is appointed by Divine Right (by God, look it up).  

    Only Protestants can succeed to the throne.

    As the Royal Family are the leaders, and defenders of the Faith,  of all the peoples of the United Kingdom they are entitled to wear the uniforms of all and any of the Armed Forces.

  6. Yes he should wear his uniform, it is Trooping of the Colour tomorrow and he should stand proud of all his military success and carry on the fact, the british empire was allways military, it is tradition in his family to be "military"...he should stand and continue to stand for his beliefs and backgrounds...and btw i know the UN want us to get rid of our royal family but i say NO...i would be devestated if a part of "britishness" would be taken from my life...

  7. Prince Charles won his medals fair and square in many horticultural events throughout the country.Largest marrow,best bunch of onions,best bucket of spuds etc.Although obviously his servants do most of the actual physical work he has been known to pick some tomatoes occasionally .

    edit: Did you know that he spends hours talking to his plants and often lectures them on classical architecture.

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