
Prince Charles wants to become the new leader of the Commonwealth?

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This is a non-hereditary position and he is currently trying to woo the other countries in an attempt to have them vote for him. What do you think his chances are, bearing in mind that this is a man that talks to trees? Do you think he could mistake a tree for one of the country's leaders?




  1. It's an easy mistake anyone could make. Give him a break.

  2. The position is herditary;it comes with the monarchy. So it's not so far-fetched that the Prince of Wales would like to learn about the job he will one day inherit.

    explains the monarchy's part in the Commonwealth.

    "The Commonwealth is a voluntary association of 53 independent countries, almost all of which were formerly under British rule.

    The origins of the Commonwealth come from Britain's former Empire. Many of the members of the Commonwealth were territories which had historically come under British rule at various times by settlement, conquest or cession. The administration of such colonies evolved in different ways, to reflect the different circumstances of each territory.

    After achieving independence, India was the first of a number of countries which decided that, although they wished to become republics, they still wanted to remain within the Commonwealth.

    To reconcile these aims, the 1949 London Declaration recognised the British Sovereign as a symbol of association between independent member nations and as Head of the Commonwealth. George VI was the first to hold this title.

    There are 53 countries in the Commonwealth.

    1.8 billion people in the world are a member of a Commonwealth country. That's over 30% of the world's population.

    A lot of the strength of the Commonwealth is derived from its non-governmental and informal links, such as teacher-training schemes, youth ministries, distance education, science and environmental projects, shared sports and arts festivals. This means that it is as much a commonwealth of peoples as of governments.

    Since the beginning, membership of the Commonwealth has been open to any independent state which was once ruled or administered by Britain or other Commonwealth countries, and which recognises The Queen as Head of the Commonwealth. The exception is Mozambique, a former Portuguese colony, which joined the Commonwealth in 1995.

    Almost all countries, when they became independent of the United Kingdom, have chosen to join the Commonwealth but, since the link is entirely voluntary, any member can withdraw at any time. The Republic of Ireland did so in 1949, as did South Africa in 1961 (rejoining in 1994), and Zimbabwe in 2003.

    After nearly 60 years of its existence, the Commonwealth is a remarkable organisation which remains a major force for change in the world today."

  3. well its for the Queen to watch and notice him, how he conducts his time, how his communication skills and knowledge of govermental matters concerning that country she may pose the quest to government, and they can re-view him, he could may well now show interest of becoming King in the future, he is 60 next year, so surely he has gained wisdom, his home high grove, i have seen drive tractors, so he works to make our fields green and allows wild-life to breed, our planets dieing you know we are killing it, slowly, have done for years, losing lots of birds animals due to our mis-use, barbaric actions, but he should do well, but have you noticed the Queen is changing too, she recently visited a hiv/aids hospital, Princess Diana did these things, so is our Queen somewhat mellowing and showing genuine concerns about society in the 21st century!! we will have to wait and see what happens.

  4. Well Bush does look a bit woden when he gives some speeches

  5. I don't think Prince Charles could lead anyone in anything.

    He is so out of touch with the real world that he would be entirely the wrong choice for the position. He may talk to trees but that is because he thinks they will answer him. The man, in my opinion, is a fruit loop.

  6. He's just trying to avoid becoming King, so he can talk to his garden!

  7. You need to check on a few things. Nobody votes, it's his right to become King.

  8. Good Luck to him in what ever he does.

  9. Do not think that her most majestick would allow it. Mrs Hammerhat likes to be queen of all she surveys.

  10. To say that the "Head of the Commonwealth" is a "non-hereditary position" is science fiction or wishfull thinking of some politicians who would like to grab the job.

    When Queen Elizabeth II came to the throne in 1952 she became Head of the Commonwealth and inherited this title from her father, the late King George VI.

    To change this tradition would be a revolution, a change of the whole system of how the Commonwealth of Nations works. Should the leaders of the 53 member nations  after Her Majesty's death decide to refuse King Charles as new Head of the Commonwealth and elect one out of their own midst, you could end up with a very controversial African leader who happens to find a majority among the members. And I am not talking about someone honourable like Nelson Mandela who is even older than the Queen. And hopefully Robert Mugabe might not be in the race either (Zimbabwe is presently suspended from the Commonwealth). The British Monarch is not only above party lines, but also above nationalism and nepotism.

    The Commonwealth with a republican head would be much to the delight of the few British republicans who are desperate to gain some ground, but it would be on the way to decline for lack of unbiased advice from a Monarch.

    Look at other associations that were set up by former colonial powers and their colonies. Have you ever heard of the Francophonie? The Lusitanian Association? The gathering of the former Latin American colonies of Spain gained the public interest only because King Juan Carlos of Spain told Hugo Chavez to shut up.

  11. I think the fact that his own mother chooses not to step aside and pass the role of Monarch on to him, says a lot!

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