
Prince Harry Has Got His Photo All Over The Tabloids Again!?

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This time for allegedly telling a photographer he was going to 'smash his effing face in'.

Why do young men who have been brought up on 'large estates' always behave so badly?




  1. pmsl

  2. Unlike most of the AMERICAN CELEBRITIES.... Prince Harry did not ASK to be born in the limelight---he did not ASK to be the son of an idiot prince and a beautiful princess, and he did not ASK to be followed all over the bleeping world by some photographers who have to take pictures of his EVERY FREAKING MOVEMENT.... I don't think ANYONE could have as much grace and composure as Harry and his brother have had these past 10 YEARS since their mother was KILLED and with all the idiot people in the world who buy into all the hype and purchase these pictures that are taken ALL THE TIME of he and his brother.....   Would ANY of us like a group of people following us around every single day from the time we wake up till the time we go to bed FILMING everything we DO?   I DOUBT THAT... and I would bet it gets a bit nerve wracking after a while and I bet a LOT of the photographers REFUSE to leave these guys alone even when they are BEGGED to do so because the ALMIGHTLY PICTURE is worth so bloody much......  People like Paris Hilton, Brittney Spears, Lindsey Lohan etc etc.  they GRAVE this attention and do STUPID THINGS ON PURPOSE all the time just SO they will be photographed.... Harry and his brother WILLIAM on the other hand. strive for ANY klind of a private life but cannot EVER seem to escape the THRONG of photographers that follow them BOTH around...    If being threatened or actually PUNCHED is the only way to get through to some of these photographers,  then so be it.... they should learn to keep their distance as well...

  3. Good for him!

  4. The same reason  heiress at one time  to the Hilton empire  why can you see certain pictures of her F****Y on the web, who wants to see or have anything to do with that total non - event of a person.Perhaps Harry is falling in line with these W*****'S that are in the papers everynight, terrorising estates. Can't wait for national service to come back into force then the RSM's and sergeants can break a few of these B******'s heads and good on them. At least Prince H is in the army and why should he be badgered by the gutter press. After all he is not a contestant from a reality show,playing up to the press I don't doubt if you had a camera stuck in your face everywhere you went you would get irate. Hope this helps.

  5. because they can

  6. Well if you had the Paparazzi all over your life not to mention your mother dying because of them you wouldn't hold sweet regards for them.  No offense to your question or to your pride. But Prince Harry's life has been hounded by these people not just because he is the prince but also because he is Princess Diana's son.

  7. Why should he put up with press following him around and leaving him with no privacy? Especially considering the way his mum died.

  8. Even though you'd think he'd be used to it by now, it HAS to get old having photographers clicking in your face every minute of the day when you poke your nose out of the palace.  Plus, you know that every single one of them are hoping that you are going to do something dumb, stupid, or both, so that they can photograph it and make a fortune.  Good grief, the kid can't even have a fight with his girlfriend without an audience!  Or, you remember that they were, in part, responsible for the death of your mother.  I can sympathize with the feeling Harry may have to wanting to smash faces.  I may not agree, precisely, with his way of expressing himself, but I suspect it was heartfelt.

  9. most likely he doesn't have his mom to guide him

  10. Ha ha ha "large estates" good one

  11. Let the Prince live his life, and you go and get on with yours.

  12. (sigh, rolleyes) Poor Harry and William (I'm sure if they push William hard enough he could go off like that), Harry's a really good man, and after the n**i uniform 2 years ago Harry has shaped up well. He's not the rebellious teen anymore, him and William have grown up and hey Harry's the one who will tell the paps to suck it.

    And remember his mother died in a car wreck because of those guys.

  13. Ginger prick. It's because his grandad murdered his mum.

  14. Photographers should stop winding him up so they can get a picture.

  15. Suppose having a camera stuck in his face wherever he goes anywhere would annoy anyone.  Just because you are royalty does not mean you are not human. He is young and will in time learn how to behave.

  16. The bloke is out of control.

    I just hope that al quaeda don't manage to kill his father or brother, because if they do he will become king one day!

    Who would want a pot smoking, lager swilling, n**i t-shirt wearing night club brawler as head of state!!,,2-200...

  17. Good for him!!! while there harassing him there leaving someone else alone

  18. Must be that Hewit blood.

  19. He is spoiled.

  20. I resent ' Boiled Eggs' answer.

    What's the colour of his hair got to do with it?

    Some people are better at 'Walking away from situations' than others.

    The Press play on this.

    It's not just young men on big estates.

    Do we know what the photographer said to him, for him to react like this?

    No excuse I know.but there is always two sides to every story.

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