
Prince Harry and his future now?

by Guest63280  |  earlier

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So now the Press have finally cut Prince Harry,s career and I hope they are happy.Not content with messing in his private life, they now have cut short his Army career which was something that he wanted to do. Will they ever be satisfied, with what he does. They should be brought to book on this interference, in peoples lives, choose whether it be Royal or otherwise.




  1. If it didn't sell newspapers they wouldn't do it. So who's really to blame?

  2. OK.Who thinks that the story wasnt intentionally leaked so that Harry will be "forced" to return home?

    Some people are so naive.

    He can now say that hes done his bit and the press get all the blame for spoiling it for him.Hoorah!Harrys a hero!

    Lets be honest,was he ever in any danger?Or were the skies gridlocked with American reconnaissance and attack aircraft?

    The video clips of Harry squeezing heavy machine gun rounds into thin air doesnt impress me.

    Dont get me wrong,I have nothing against the royal family and I am pleased that he served.However,it is insulting to ones intelligence to ask us to believe that the whole saga wasnt choreographed.

    As for those who say Harrys presence was unnecessarily risking the lives of his comrades should consider that there are always priority targets for the enemy and our forces appropriately increase  security of these targets and/or organise ambushes.

    Our thanks and respect to all coailition forces serving overseas-even Harry.

  3. I like Price Harry. He's the only good looking one in the royal fam. Who knows? I'm sure he will do something great.

  4. i hear hes staring in rambo 5?

  5. I suppose he could take up golf and spend the rest of his life like his uncle Andy, doing nothing and living the life of Reilly off his inherited wealth. It's alright for some!

  6. well, you should think of the people killed in Afghanistan, wheres their future? what comes around goes around, he should be shame on what he is doing.

    Also, I would not define killing people as a career. If you do, you must be a numb skull.

  7. Well the fact he was calling air strikes on "suspected terrorists" speaks for itself. He is one soldier who should not be too difficult to trace.

  8. Another royal apologist. So why don't you give all your money to them, instead of us?

  9. he will go into the Navy and RAF to complete his training.

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