
Prince Harry anyone? What do my friends in UK think of the little prince? I live in US.?

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I admit I kinda like the "little fella" (not so little). All antics aside, I think he vicariously lives out a part of his mother that was quenched in her. I get the idea he runs much deeper than portrayed and possesses a loyalty to his convictions and the people above and beyond the royal line. If Diana was the peoples princess I think Harry is the peoples prince? Prince Harry may better serve the people off the "throne". I look for him to identify with the "common" people and make a difference for them in the future (as he matures). Am I wrong?

Thanks for your answers.




  1. I am very impressed with him, and I know his Mom would be

    so very proud of him. I too believe, he would serve man kind well. I know his Dad sees what a fine young man he is. And will be.

  2. How patronising is this question? Little fella? He's 23 for goodness' sake. As for you calling 60 million people 'common', move with the times, or at least visit the UK first. I think he's made a brilliant move by fighting in Afghanistan William is too - he's done his time in the army and is now in the RAF with the navy still to come. Stop being so freaking condescending.

  3. Mr Harry Windsor is a member of the so called rulling classes of the U K  and as such is a spoilt pampered person who should be  made to work at a real job not as a pretend soldier that is just insulting the hard working squaddies who have had to shield him  over the past 10 weeks.

    He will never know what the common people want or need because hes never been one.

    From the cradle to the grave he will live a lifestyle that very few are able to manage however hard they work.

  4. He is portrayed as the salt of the earth and I don't think its all hype. I believe that had he been given a choice he would have chosen a more anonymous life and he is doing his best to survive the cards he was dealt.  

    He is a lad at the moment but one day if he survives he could be a force. There is a vulnerability about him that he may have through losing his mother so early. Despite that or maybe because of it he rebels against the walls of convention.  Princess Diana had a sad life and maybe Harry will take up the baton on her behalf - Maybe!

  5. From your wording you obviously have an outdated picture of the UK. Everyone in the UK is differet nothing is common except the fact that we live in the UK.

    Most people with millitary backgrounds such as myself feel that is a good thing that the royals should be fighting side by side the working class rank and file squadies. A lot of ordinary people simply dont care and alot of people who are againts the war are disapointed that the monarchy have not spoken against it and appear to be promoting a 'war on islam'.

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