
Prince Harry is now blowing rare birds out of the sky?

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Two Hen Harriers were shot (for sport) the other day. Harry and his pal were questioned by Police as they were 'in the area'. Alongside William teaching his g/f Kate to shoot stags recently, I wonder if we should not all go back to Medeival Times. Jolly good fun wot?




  1. Prince Harry has been questioned about the incident and is not involved so get your facts right before you accuse him, without proof, of killing rare birds.


    A question mark does not a question make...if you had said " Is Prince Harry now blowing rare birds out of the sky?" that would have been a question.  What you have said is a statement not a question....and I don't ride any horses let alone high ones!


    That's right...I prefer motorbikes...say no more!

  2. Killing animals for sport is horrible and not in my opinion jolly good fun. Only the heartless do things like that royal or no. It will wipe out rare species of animals that need to be saved. Why must you men kill just to kill?

  3. It's all another Shut up and Cover up by the Royal Family.

    Although he was questioned about "The Alleged Incident", and he has no knowledge of it, even if it happened while he was at the Sandringham Estate in Norfolk with his friend.

    Bad things seen to happen to him and around him!

    Underage Drinking binges, Snorting Vodka, Smoking Marijuana, wearing Swastika Armbands are just some of the known facts, but it will be tough to prove him blowing rare birds out of the sky.  It must be nice to be born into Royalty--you can get away with  Bloody Murder, and still smell like a Prince.

  4. No...not fun...just lack of respect for nature, other people and the environment...the results of having everything handed to you...and maybe some arrested brain activity due to inbreeding........

  5. Harry was questioned, not charged. Innocent until proven guilty. According to the BBC he was in the area but not doing the shooting.

    Where on earth do you get your story about William and Kate?

  6. the answer is no he is not.  He has not blown any rare birds out of the sky.  He was interviewed as a witness only.  It did happen near their house so it is quite reasonable for him to be questioned.

    You seem to be overreacting.  You should know that hunting is heavily regulated in the UK and you should know that cruelty has been kept to a minimum.

  7. I hate any form of hunting but if you really want to talk about medieval time, how about bull fighting? That, to me, is about as bad as it gets.

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