
Prince William...friend or anti-christ?

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i have heard some rumors that some people think that prince william could be the anti-christ...they show signs suchas his family has had past history with witchcraft parties...sorry i dont know what they are called...but they are secret underground meetings...and also that he is all about world this not some of the characteristics of the anti-christ..also it says in the bible that the anti christ will be a decendant from somewhere in lets here your thoughts about this.




  1. Horse-hockey!

  2. Wow, well for you have evidence that he has had witchcraft parties? Is there something wrong with wanting world peace?

  3. They say that hilary clinton is the anti christ.

    There are so many evil people now a days that the anti christ could be right in front of our faces and we wouldnt even know it...

  4. Prince William is not the anti-christ.

    The anti-christ will gain control over the world near the time of the end.  Prince William may control the UK someday but that will be all he could control.

    Prince William is just another person born a royal!

    He is no god or anti-christ!

  5. hes a homie G

  6. William an anti Christ that is all about world peace....What the?

  7. Nah the anti christ will be a pope. It just makes since! Position of power to millions of people who trust him in a heart beat.

  8. How can he be...when George Bush has that title

  9. Um, it's unlikely the future King of England would have any real power so I doubt he is, and when did being for world peace be a bad thing. I guess I might be the antichrist too.

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