
Prince harry?

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Why does prince harry get loads of praise for going to the front line. Gorden brown says he's a corageus brave young lad. I mean you don't see any other soldier getting that kind of thanks from the prime misnister (even though most people think jeremy clarkson can do a better job) or the familys of the dead soldiers just get a bit of cash thrown at them which will never replace a lost son/daughter. prime minister also said harry risked his head being blown off by the tabiban. WOW but big news shock so has every soldier since ww1 had that risk

I dont get it when people say wow harry went afganistan because thousand of british soldiers have had to go through the same steps and not got enough recognition

also he must have known the media coverage everything he does is to get attention and to stick out from the crowd personally he's a stuk up attention seeker

anyway what are all your views on harry and afganistan ???




  1. First of all Harry never asked for praise, hates the media spin;  but the lad deserves recognition  in my book.  He was born into a house of priviledge, but chooses to go off into a war zone and risk his own life to be normal like his comrades.  He reminds me of his mother Diana, who very much wanted to associate with commoners as they are called.  I can't even begin to imagine the nightmare of having to live under the scrutiny of British royalty 24/7.  Harry has been let out of his cage.  As he said in one of his statements to the press in Afgan:  "This is about as normal as I will get."

  2. Prince Harry doesn't see himself as a hero and he is just trying to be like his fellow soldiers, he only agreed to leave now because he is afraid that now he will be targetted putting his mates in danger and himself of course.

    I didn't expect a gentlemens agreement with the press to hold up this long anyway, suprised it has and glad that he got such an opportunity to get out there. Why should he be made to feel any different?  Why should he be berated for what he has done?

    Most of the male royal family have completed some sort of armed service, why should Harry be different?

    He doesn't want to come home, but I'm glad he is!

  3. Are you angry with Harry?

    Because you know, I hope, that he CANNOT do anything without US, YOU and ME, knowing everything he is doing.  HE  did not tell anyone he was going.  In fact he begged them not to tell.  

    ME  and YOU finding out he went to Afghanistan doomed his chance to stay there.  HE didn't tell US he was there.  SOMEONE else did.  Are you blaming him for that?

    Can a person in his position do anything without being criticized for it?  

    We all do things to get attention.  

    Yes it is wrong to SINGLE him out for praise.  All soldiers are at risk and do there job.  WE should be PROUD of all our soldiers and not just the famous.

    BUT we follow the famous around like little puppy dogs and get all excited when they do ordinary things.  

    That is the DUMB part.


  4. It's because he's a prince. He says he doesn't like England and just wants to be a normal soldier. I think we should allow him by getting rid off this outdated monarchy and regard them as normal people because they never worked for their position in society and just leech off us. But of course most royal a.$$ lickers are blind to this

  5. It's because for years the rich fought wars with their money. Now someone bathing in royalty thinks he'll get publicity by going to the fronts lines, way after it's done hit the fan. Oh, lets make Harry look like Clark Kent.

  6. Odd how he seems happy in the Afghan photos (taken before media discovery) but not so happy in the photos taken at the airport afterwards.  You sure he's seeking attention?

  7. At least he attempted to really serve his country before his cover was blown putting him and his unit at risk!  I heard he was sincere in his wishing to serve and insisted on serving like everyone else, and his superiors spoke highly of him!  I applaud his sense of duty over that of the Bush brothers' pusilanimous, fake, military service avoiding, self serving patriotism!

  8. We are Governed by a minority/media driven party.I should think he(Harry) is totally pissed off by this.If you have a look back through history the Prime Minister should be getting ready to lose his head.GREAT BRITAIN NOW WILL BE REGARDED AS HAVING A MONACHY TO COWARDLY TO FIGHT,HOW DO THEY RULE?

  9. You say "personally he's a stuk up attention seeker " well I think you're a jerk.  How can I say that without knowing you and your story? I can't! Prince Harry could have gotten out of going to fight, but didn't because he felt he should serve his country like everyone else has to.  If you were following this sotry for the past  year instead of picking up on it today you would know he is a very humble man who wants to be like everyone else, and do his duty.  This news that he is serving is only news to those who have their head in the sand, i.e anyone who gets their news from mainstream media.  DONT ASSUME EVERYONE FAMOUS IS SEEKING SPECIAL TREATMENT.

  10. harry and afghanistan? they are welcome to each other.

  11. I think he's got very old-fashioned thinking by going to war.

    We need some new thinkers in the monarchy, and all over the UK.

    It's just a game.  He knows it.  He knows he won't actually be killed or anything.  He just wants to show he's got a macho side.

    He's a far cry from his mother who campaigned to get land mines removed, to heal problems of war.  Here he is going right into it, provoking problems.

  12. I agree with lazlouz2. He is just a lad who wants to treated like a regular soldier and fight for his country. If it wasn't for the media we wouldn't of known he was out there, i mean they have been able to keep it quiet for 3 months.

  13. I understand your anger, but you're an idiot if you don't see the significance of Prince Harry's actions.

    To the enemy, Joe Smith's son is nothing but a target, hundreds to choose from. Although even now, my heart breaks if I think of my 6 year old growing up and going to war (as every Mother does). Prince Harry VERY easily could choose where he wanted to be, or avoid it altogether. He could've very easily gotten a very safe deployment, very far from danger, but he didn't. Unlike the equally loved son of Joe Smith, Prince Harry is a HUGE "trophy/target" for the enemy, meaning they're specifically LOOKING for Prince Harry-to send a message. Now, Mr/Mrs Joe Smith, imagine your OWN son having that added fame/danger, a choice to avoid it,  and chosing to go anyway, particularly into a very HOT zone. I'm an American, but I feel great pride and respect for his actions.

    The media disclosure endangered his company and his mission. It wasn't like the "Spice Girls" where he was wondering where the poperazzi  was, it was because he was a target and knowledge of his location jeopardized the company, that it was published that he'd been removed from danger. He'd likely been in danger the months before, during his tour (just like everyone else) but never yelled for help. Look at our own presidents here in the US? Do you think ANY of our presidents' kids would ever be in combat shoulder to shoulder with Joe Smith's kid? No way. Just enough "exposure" to make it look like they can empathize with their country (and the little people whose kids they use like nameless fodder).

    Even though I'm not British, I feel a lot of pride in Prince Harry's actions and hope the best for him.

  14. harry going to afganistan for a picture session, was an insult to all the real soldiers and the ones that gave their life.

  15. I think that even if Gordon Brown held a press conference to congratulate every single soldier for serving in a war situation the press would still cover only that which will sell papers, ie the interesting stories and the famous people.

    The reason Harry wants to go to war is so that he DOESN'T stand out from the crowd. In the army he is treated the same as everyone else and is protected from the press.

  16. don't be so cynical, alright? the world is not fair itself. Harry is just different from those ordinary soldiers. that's just the so called Celebrity Effect.

    anyway it's quite fine if he could go to the front line, much better than quailing at home. Pretty sure you'll get mad at that.

  17. What annoys me about this is that although I am not really a massive supporter of the the royal family, I think this is the worst thing that could have happened. I mean to say that he has been able to have a normal tour of duty for 10 weeks and should be grateful for that is absolutely pathetic. He wanted to be a solider, he did his training, he then went across their and was by all accounts taking an active front-line roll in the conflict, now all of a sudden because an American journalist could not keep his mouth closed on a worldwide media ban, he has not only put Harry but also that of his colleagues in jeopardy as well, is that really what he wanted or did he just want his 15 minutes of glory. Either way it was wrong. Harry should just be allowed to carry on with the job he clearly loves.

    I think for once the media is to blame, as there is going to be backlash from this and lives put in danger all for the sake of one person who thought it would be a good idea to know where a British serving solider would be.

  18. this is all just a pr stunt for the royal family and the establishment

    british troops are dying in a no win situation harry going out there diverts attention from this fact

    harry is a party animal and a pisshead so now he is playing the hero to redeem his image and justify his freeride in life at the publics only have to look at the over the top press coverage to see what it has done for his public persona

    i have no doubt whatsoever that harry has not been in any danger in afghanistan ie.he has not fired a shot at the enemy or been shot at.he would be more likely to be killed on the M6 during rush hour

    dont believe anything you see on tv or read in the newspapers without seriously questioning what the motives and the agenda are behind it .

    if you agree with what i have written here then you should check out bill hicks,he was a man with his finger on the pulse.

  19. He's a Prince! He loves his country but doesn't care for the 'Pop-a-rot-zi' constantly hounding him - no privacy or personal freedom.

    Sadly (for the Prince), the Drudge, a far-right leaning extremist weblog noted for s**t & publishing the ‘false cries’ and ‘empty morals & values’ of the American ‘far-right’, has once again, ‘broken & entered’ the world of real media, recklessly absconding with some ‘real’ news  Moving faster than a Nixon ‘Plumber’ at Watergate, the s**t sheet ‘broke’ the story of Prince Harry’s combat role and presence in Afghanistan, thus placing the Prince, his combat unit, and his combat unit’s mission objectives of one of our few remaining coalition allies at grave risk. All NATO forces in Afghanistan are there in ‘support’ positions with the exception of Dutch, British & American forces who fulfill ‘combat’ roles’

    This news release is expected to shift Taliban focus more to British targets thus increasing their casualty rates.

    The release of this classified information in effect painted a ‘huge bull’s-eye’ on the young Prince and his combat unit. The ‘Bull’s-eye’ is expected to follow the Prince back to Britain as various Terrorist websites are already calling for ‘vengence’ on the ‘Royals’.This ‘ringing of the bell by the American far-right village crier’ would seem very unusual  coming from a ‘publication’ which is highly supportive of the American far-right’s  ÃƒÂ¢Ã‚€Â˜self-touted’ position of being ‘tuff on defense’ issues.

    But one only needs to remember these are the same folks that manipulated intelligence in the first place to get the world into the very mess that Harry was fighting against . They also ‘outed’, harbored, & consequently ‘pardoned’ those that exposed an agent, the agent’s network(s), and ‘missions in process’ of their own intelligence agency, the CIA, during a time of war. Empty values fall easily, it would appear.

    While the major ‘news’ agencies  in the English speaking world had been briefed on Prince Harry’s activities, all had agreed to maintain ‘silence’ on the issue understanding the dangers and ramifications that release of the story would cause. There was no way to predict that the ‘Drudge’ or worse, ‘FOX NEWS’, the talk show,  would get ‘wind’ of the story and recklessly endanger the coalitions’ success in Afghanistan, where success is a fleetingly rare enough commodity as it is.

    There was a time in America when Patriots were the order of the day – i.e. Bush #41, who even passed ‘strict’ laws regarding the release of classified information. With the coming 2008 elections some are predicting the possible return of Freedom and Democracy to that country – perhaps then the laws may be administered again and moral values will be returned to a country that once was held in high regard.

    But not today. It would seem that in America’s leadership vacuum, “the acorn fell much farther from the tree than just Texas.”

  20. I think it is probably extremely frustrating for him - he is a soldier and just wants to do his job, and I think that is what he should be allowed to do. Yes you're right that all the other soldiers are brave too, but I think the point is that Harry took the decision to go and fight, even knowing that, if discovered, he will be a prime target - the other soldiers do not stick out from each other and would be at equal risk.

    Once again the media have meddled in his life, and now he has to come home. I feel very disappointed for him - he should have the same freedom to do his job as everyone else.

  21. One of the problems the royal princes like Harry have is that they can't win. As a qualified officer in the armed services, if he had not gone to fight alongside his men, you would have been amongst the first to call him a coward. When he does go, you, and others like you, call him an attention seeker.

    The truth is that he tried to do everything possible to avoid attention, but when did the truth ever stop people like you from having a good moan. At least Prince Harry is not a disgrace to his generation, of which there are already far too many around.

  22. i couldnt agree more with Nicknames r 4 losers, hes right you know, this country would be a h**l of a lot richer if we got rid of the royal family.

  23. Years ago Kings used to lead there troups into battle,,,Dont you just feel a little proud,,,,of him,,

  24. It is the old story if you are a celebrity a royal or a politician no matter what you do someone will always try to knock you down to their own pig level

  25. Give the guy a break.

    When he didn't go to Iraq he was slated in the press.

    Now that he has gone to Afghanistan people still want to be negative about him. Catch 22!

    I am not a royal fan but I have to admit that I am very proud that he wanted to serve alongside his men. He seems to be a very nice young man who never asked to be born into a privileged position.
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