
Prince william or harry?

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Prince william or harry?




  1. Would you care to edit your original posting, so you actually ask a question instead of making a statement ?

  2. Explain exactly what you mean and we might understand you more

  3. Neither of them, Andrea Casiraghi is the yummist young royal in Europe. He is the eldest son of Princess Caroline of Monaco. He is currently second in line to the throne after his mother, meaning that if the currently reigning Prince Albert II dies without legitimate children, then Casiraghi will most likely someday be the Prince of Monaco.

  4. Harry baby!

    He's sooooo s**y with those reddish cheeks and ckeeky grin... you know you will have fun with him and once you are close, you will be the one he tells all his secrets and fantasies too.

    What a lucky girl she would be!

  5. What's the question. For what.

  6. william of course.........

  7. Blatently Harry!! He's much hotter, has more hair and is way more fun! No contest!!

  8. William.

  9. William definatly.

  10. William, definitely.

  11. does it really matter ?

  12. William

  13. None

  14. William. But if he's not available, Harry will do. You know who's hot? Prince Andrea de Monaco. Little kingdom but hot prince.

  15. OMFG someone asked this question thankyou GOD

    i love them both now and when they were little kids. i

    perfer william with the looks god hes hot and harry

    for the fun and a good time , x thats my vote

  16. Prince william. Because he's more mature.

  17. Um for king? william

    who do i fancy? neither

    more fun? harry

  18. Prince Henry is the finezzt!  I use to love William but I changed to Harry lol.

  19. Prince William as hes more mature at the moment

  20. who really cares

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