
Princess Diana's death is it a plain accident or somebody has planned it?

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what do you think is her death is just a plain accident or somebody has planned it?coz i saw an article in the magazine that somebody has planned it,




  1. Accident, plain and simple.  Dodo, I mean Dodi, had a drunk driving the car, told him to go really fast and they smashed into a pillar.  End of story.

  2. yes, george w bush killed her so that he could cause 9/11 and invade iraq for its oil.

  3. there are those who believed it was an conspiracy cooked up by the Queen or Charlers to get rid of her, or those that think it was just an acvcident that happened nowhere. Whatever you decide is your own decision. Frankly it does seem like the queen did it.

  4. No accident  The powers in Britian did not like the idea of a future king of England having a Muslim for a stepfather

  5. No, I don't see why anyone would want to kill her. Someone asked a similar question to yours and my answer was:

    It is just a conspiracy. I personally do not believe that the Queen has anything to do with it. I do not see any threats between Princess Diana wanting to move on with her life and the royal family.

    What does her pregnancy have anything to do with it? Her unborn child is going to shake the foundation of the British monarchy??? I'm not sure what your trying to say on this matter as I do not see any connections.

    If the Queen wants to save the "royal family's image" she would have also murdered Sarah Ferguson, the Duchess of York and Mark Phillips, Princess Anne's first ex husband. Both of whom were also convicted of infidelity throughout their marriages.

  6. I'm sure someone "planned" to have Diana's boyfriend insist that the security chief ( who's blood alcohol level was 2.0 ) drive the car.  I'm sure someone "planned" for that car to first sideswipe another car then hit a concrete post doing 80mph in a 30mph zone.  What a "plan" that was.

  7. reckon Charles had something to do with it.

  8. It was an accident.Pure and simple.The driver had been drinking and the only survivor was also the only one to be wearing a seat belt.

  9. The death of Princess Diana was just a tragic accident. Nobody could plan it so that she wouldn't be wearing her seatbelt or that a crash would definitely have killed her. If she had been wearing a seatbelt she would probably have survived.

  10. Her death was a terrible accident leaving two kids without a devoted mother.  I think we should let her soul rest in peace, nothing will ever bring her back, and we should remember the good things about her.

  11. From what I understand, Dodi al Fayed's father still insists it was an intentional kill, but from all the evidence, it was simply a tragic, tragic accident.

  12. probubly suside over all the radios in peoples throats,

    itslike  living in a big rock stereo

    not every body will like  un sence able babblem,

    god didnt create voices to cause misunderstanding,

    and some people dont wan tt o be par tof the crowd

    and  if they think i am strange,  you see these  birds that look like people, and  are always out every where but the y cant fly, and the chirp, alll  day,, want ingt  to find their  wings,,

    just like an angle

  13. Yes, they planned that Dodi and Diana would not be wearing their seat belts.  

    1.  The driver of her car was under the influence of alcohol and prescription drugs.

    2.  He was speeding

    3.  There is a hump in the road just before the impact site. That causes cars to lift their fronts and they loose a little of their steering grip

    4.  The tunnel where the crash happened has a line of posts up the middle.  There is no guard rail.  If there had been a guard rail no-one in the car would have been seriously injured.  There are two or three tunnels like that in Paris.  Between 1 January 1997 and August 1997, seven people had died in accidents in these Paris tunnels in similar accidents.

    5.  Three people in the car were killed.  The one who survived was sitting in the second most dangerous seat.  He was wearing a seat belt.  The other three were not.  According to an engineer who investigated the accident, if Diana and Dodi had been wearing seat belts they probably would have walked away from the wreck.  Even the driver might have survived if he had been wearing a seat belt.

    6.  The crash was an average road fatality and the only unusual features were that three people were killed and one of them was the former wife of the heir to the throne of the United Kingdom.

    7.  You will not see these facts in a cheap gossip magazine or a cheap television program because they don't make a good story.

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