
Princess di - new enquiry....why!?

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Well its the start of a 3rd enquiry into her death....WHY!

The last two said it was an accident so deal with it!

Why cant someone believe that the fairy princess was just as susceptible to an accident as the rest of us.

There is no cloak and dagger stuff, just a drunken driver, going to fast, hounded by the papparazi of whom Diana was never to shy when it suited her to pose for anyway.

This enquiry may as well say she was assasinated by someone just to shut up those who are conspiracy theorists! Its what they want to hear anyway regardless of if its the truth or not.

rant over! sorry but am fed up with the whole thing its been years now so why keep dragging it up, its gonna have more sequals to this than rocky!




  1. Nutsters-Chick. I agree with you wholeheartedly.

  2. send in the warren commission

  3. There will keep on being more & moreof these enquiries until Mohammed Al Fayed runs out of cash.

    I can understand that he is upset that his son doed so tragically young but surely even he, after all this time, must heed the results. All this nonsense about her being pregnant as well is just ridiculous. This would have been discovered the last time. The royal family would surely have been happy to have her married into another family & out of their hair so as far as I can see it would have served no purpose for them to have her killed.

  4. It's not an inquiry, it's an inquest and you only have one inquest unless much more relevant evidence comes to light.

    There was never an inquest in to the Deaths of Diana, Princess of Wales and Dodi Fayed.

    Mohammed Al Fayed is folling nobody but himself if he truly believes the Duke of Edinburgh was instrumental in her death. There are also far more certain ways to kill someone than a car crash.

  5. This is not an inquiry, it is a legally required inquest.

    Whenever UK citizen dies in un-natural circumstances (accident or murder) and the body is immediately returned to the UK then the law requires that an inquest be carried out. This is the law. the inquest should have been carried out immediately, but due the the high profile of the case and other inquiries taking place, it was decided to allow these other inquiries to run their course as the evidence uncovered in those inquiries will help to establish the events to be investigated in this inquest.

    It is sitting before a jury as it is such a high profile case. Additionally, the other inquiries actually failed to answer or provided false information regarding critical details of the events surrounding this very high profile death.

    So long as such questions remain, there will be doubt. So long as only the establishment investigate and judge the evidence in a case where it is the establishment that are the accused party, then there will never be a satisfactory outcome.

    The establishment investigating and judging itself is not satisfactory. it would be like a murderer in court acting as the judge and the prosecution and the defence.

    That is why there is a Jury and ALL the evidence collected and examined previously and a lot more new evidence not put forward before will be examined and placed before an independent jury.

    They then get to decide on ALL the available evidence IF there was any foul play.  This is the justice that people have been waiting in excess of 10 years for.

  6. because we are a media obsessed society

  7. Because it provides jobs for the media

  8. The needs of the many outweigh the needs of the few.

  9. it's not an enquiry it's a long over-due INQUEST.

    do you remember David Kelly (UN weapons inspector ) saying he'd be found dead in the woods?

    Diana said much the same thing, months prior to her death.

    They ( the royal establishment ) wanted her dead.

    it would more likely be a convenient car accident, where laying-in-state, wouldn't be an option.

    they wanted her to blend back into the oblivion she'd been picked from, after providing the house of windsor with an heir or two,she'd fulfilled her purpose.

    when she proved to be more popular than the rest of them put together, she had to go.

    or charlie would never get to marry his bit on the side & live happily ever after. one day he seriously does think he & his horse, will sit on the throne.

    history books show us that people have been killed over the throne of England & diana marrying a muslim, was just too much for them to bear.

    william & harry having muslim step-brothers & sisters?

    they said NO WAY!

  10. It's not an enquiry, it's an inquest.

    It has been held up for ten years by the other enquiries.

  11. the reason is because she was the most loved person in england and she was murdered by the royal family not actually the royal family in person but our security forces,god bless diana she will be sadly missed by millions of people.

  12. Wonder if you would say the same thing if it was a loved one of yours? I'm not being mean but we do need to get to the bottom of this and the inquest is only right to take place.

    I agree that it must be very stressful for Harry and William BUT we do need to know the TRUTH. Maybe this inquest will get to the truth and not be biased by threats and told what the verdict should be.

    Also this is far more interesting than Rocky!

    Also agree with Nutsters Chick!!!

  13. This is not just another enquiry but the official inquest. Hopefully after this she'll be allowed to rest in peace. I can't understand why it has taken this long - 10 years.

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