
Principal took cell phone and poses at student?

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Does anyone know if a principal can confiscate a cell phone, read all the text messages and videos? And then pose as the student by text'n to his friends he had in his cell phone? He even went on media, which is going to cost me. He gave student a warning about having phone on during class. I need a




  1. It's alright for him to take away the cell phone, but not to look at the text messages and videos. He can't pretend to be his friends either. That's just wrong.

  2. whoa..thats not right.

    go to the school and demand the phone back. also threaten that your getting a lawyer. tell the school that the principal has made charges on the phone and invaded personal property. he has no right to do that. if the school doesn't do anything about it, call the board of education & explain.

  3. He can take the phone if it is in school policy that no phones are allowed. As for using the phone NO. Contact the school board and let them know what happen. They will take it from there.

  4. Most schools have policies fobidding cellphone use in classes so yes a principal can and SHOULD confiscate any and all cellphones and if he happens to check the text messages etc it is the student's problem and the student's fault for bringing the cellphone to school in the first place.  If you don't want things that don't pertain to your school work to be taken away by teachers/principals, don't take them to school.

  5. If your school rules consist of celliur phone use prohibited, than "yes" he can take the cell phone away from its owner or the accused student. However, the principal can not read the text messages and videos sent from one to that picticilur cell phone.

    My suggestion(s) is to talk to the school board, or the superintendent who can clearly help you in you "cellilur promblem"

    Most likely the accused principal will be fired or taken away for a period of time. Usually 2-4 weeks.

    There was once a principal however, who took away a cell phone and when it "rang" read the message sent from one of the accused friends. I can't clearify the same words used but the message said something like:

    " Hay I've got the stuff"

    "28 lbs of cok"

    "And 45 pounds of pot"

    "Meet me behind school after school"

    'So I can give you the goods"

    That message goes on 3 more lines.

    This teacher was able to get a lawyer and sued the child. I can't remember on from there. But also the family of the accused sued the teacher for reading the message.

    Good luck!

    If you have any questions  or comments contact me at:

  6. A teacher can confiscate a mobile if a child is using it in school , as most schools have a no mobile in school rule. However he does not have the right to use your phone for his own use or misuse it by texting your friends. he should have switched it of and give it you at the end of lesson

  7. This is DISGUSTING! I have nothing against him taking your phone- that's fine- but your texts and your photos are your private property, and he has no excuse for seeing them. You should tell your parents to contact the school board or contact them yourself. If you're brave enough, give the principal a right talking to.

    Peace out!

  8. Oh, wow... you might actually want to get a lawyer.

    The principal can act on a rule called en loco parentes (I'm not sure if I spelled it right) that gives your childs' educators the right to act in a parental sense when the parent is not around.  However, the parentis law has become quite strict, so teachers don't take the liberties of corporal punishment anymore (like smacking hands with rulers.).  So, under that law, the principal has the right to confiscate almost anything from your child, within reason.

    Now, what happened once the principal had your kid's phone is an invasion of privacy.  I'm sure there are other laws violated, even predator laws, when the principal acted as a child with the intentions of luring other children into conversation.  Not to mention, you have a small claims case when it comes to using the media feature... a charge that you did not agree to.

    Yes, you may want to hire a lawyer, but I would take it to the school board or superintendent first, and then the media if you don't get satisfaction there.

  9. Well if the child was warned and its again school rules to ahve it, yes they can take the phone away.  the parent should then be contacted and should pick up the phone or the student gets it returned to them at the end of the school day

    As for going throught he phone they had not right.  Even if he suspencted something, authories should be called.  And for going into the media section, the svhool should pay for the charge.

    If they are unwilling to work with you, get legal coucil.  but consider-if your child remain in this school next year, it may cause more harm then good.  Pick your battles.

  10. he can take ti if its in skl policy but it is illegal AGAINST THE LAW to go thru his stuff and posing as the student!!! its called privacy and its called identity theft tell the skl board

  11. get a lawyer asap...thats invading privacy

  12. he can take the phone yes as for using it no he can not do that!!!

  13. if the students aren't using "proper" cell phone etiquette he can confiscate it.

    for him to read it and use it is inappropriate.  i would definitely raise the roof about that one.

  14. it depends on what your school's rules on cell phones are

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