
Prior to the Ice Age did they have conferences on Global Cooling?

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Prior to the Ice Age did they have conferences on Global Cooling?




  1. Every day, week, month, year that passes and the earth cools...Gores kool aid drinkers panic more.

    How can this cooling of the earth possibly be happening over the past decade when we are spewing more CO2 into the atmosphere than ever before???

    As they become more and more disturbed, more panic will set in and the name calling will reach a crescendo...because that is all they will have they realize "my God, Gores models were wrong!!"

    Global warming is their can their God turn on them?

  2. thats a good movie

  3. "Thag notice glacier getting closer"

    "Why you hate cave number nine? Putting out fire won't help if cave number five keeps theirs."


  4. First off, I wish that Jr F would shut up about Al Gore and his koolaid drinkers...whatever flip thing that means. He goes on every global warming (and cooling) post and writes the same thing!

    Yes, I think they did have conferences about global cooling, much like the prior cave man comments. Need more fur coats. Must kill more saber tooth tigers and mammoth. They were lucky that they didn't feel responsible (or probably have responsibility for the climate change), although they were responsible for the extinction of many species, like the giant sloth. That's neither here nor there though.

  5. No, I'm pretty sure that our species didn't understand the causes of climate change 100,000 years ago.

    So I gather you're trying to argue that because climate has changed naturally in the past, humans can't cause the climate to change?  By that logic, because forest fires happened naturally in the past, humans can't cause forest fires.

    Then how do you explain Smokey the Bear?  


    If you're interested in learning how we know the current climate change is different (not natural), click the link below.

  6. Nope.

    Sure, the Earth has undergone natural changes before.  But the scientific data PROVES that this change isn't natural, but is caused by us.

  7. Ha Ha.

  8. Yes they did.

    algore was protesting that too.

  9. They actually did have conferences during the global cooling of the 1970's.  The earth was supposed to be a giant snowball by the year 2000.  So much for those "scientists."

    The AGW nuts remind me of the SNL skit "Theodoric of York."  They think they're being scientific, but we know better.  They're barbarians in their thinking.

    It sure is funny how upset the left gets when you mention Al Gore's name.  He used to be the darling boy of the socialist movement.  Now he's a disgrace.

    They will admit he's a hypocrite and a liar, but they still want everyone to believe what he says.  Don't try to make sense of that.

    I guess I'd get annoyed too if the main advocate of my religion turned out to be a false prophet.

  10. Cave drawings are full of the theorys of the time. Shown are the various opinions of the left and right just like today.Some wanted to hunt and some thought there were aliens and still others were farmers.There were warnings that the wooly mammoths were going extinct, but the need for fire outweighed the outcry from the hut people.

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