I am making up a spreadsheet in which a cell highlights in red if a task takes longer than the allotted time. I am using the NOW() function, so therefore, I need the conditional formatting to change if I write in another cell (to indicate the task is completed). As I am using the NOW() function, the cell will stay red whether the task is completed or not, so I need to work the conditional formatting so that if anything is written in the completed box, then they cell goes clear, and all other formatting is overridden.
I am a bit of a novice at this, so please let me know if this is even possible!! I have tried to include & in the 'formula is' but this doesn't seem to do anything, and I don’t know where to go now... help would be very much appreciated!!
Name Lines Route Time Issued Time Allocated to complete (hours) Projected completion time Actual Completion Time Time taken to complete (hrs) OVERRUN (hrs)
Amy 20 3 9:00 AM 00:23 9:23 AM ############ 0:06