
Prison Break Tv Show, can you catch me up? ?

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I stopped watching when Gretchen cut Sarahs head off and when Micheal was just about to break out of Sona. Linc tried to get his son from Gretchen and it didn't work out...

Can anyone please give me a quick catch up so I can fall in place next Monday?

I mean seriously I don't have time to watch all the episodes. Thanks




  1. If you want details, consider skimming the recaps at Zap2It or reading the Wikipedia article, as it will give far more details. You can also watch the last few episodes of Season 3 and the first two episodes of Season 4 at Hulu.

    Here's a really, really rough catchup:

    Various things happened to make the escape from Sona rough, but Michael did get Whistler and Mahone out, and various Company related shenanigans occurred, leaving Michael out to get Gretchen for killing Sara; Whistler and Mahone working with Gretchen; Linc with Sofia and LJ; and Belick, Sucre and T-Bag in Sona. That's where we pick up this year. Sona burns down and T-Bag heads out with Whistlers bird book, but ends up getting left in the dessert by his driver who takes off with the book and his money. Sucre and Belick take off to meet Sucre's baby and end up getting captured. Linc kills a Company guy who is trying to kill him, and ends up back in jail. Michael finds Whistler, Mahone and Gretchen trying to track down a data card called Scylla to take down the Company for Homeland Security and finds out from them that Sara is still alive. She had escaped and Gretchen faked her death to keep Linc and Michael working for her.

    So, Mahone goes to see his wife and kid, but he's just a little too late as they've been murdered. He's arrested and is back in jail. Michael goes to Chicago to find Sara and he gets arrested. Everybody is looking at hard time, but a Homeland Security agent will help them get off if they work for him to take down the Company. He knew Linc and Michaels dad, and knows he'd want them to do this. He also reunites Michael and Sara.

    They take the deal and go to LA to get the card. They get the card with the help of a computer geek also looking at hard time, only to find out the card is actually one of 6. The group in LA is Michael, Linc, Sara, Sucre, Belick, Mahone, Self (the Homeland Security guy) and Roland (the geek). Their goal for the rest of the season is to find T-Bag to find the book; find the other 5 cards; and take down the Company.

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