
Prison Break: Why is Terence Steadman's death faked?

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Was watching prison break, and i dont know if i missed it or not, but why did Reynolds and the company want to fake Steadmans death? What did it achieve? And why Lincoln?




  1. 1. The Company didn't just want to fake his death. They really wanted to kill him but Caroline wanted to save her brother so the Company faked his death.

    2.The Father of Linc and Michael used to work for the Company but he abandoned the Company and so he became a danger for the Company cause he had many information on the Company.

    So he tried to get his son by what Aldo Burrows would be forced to show his face to help his son. So the Company chose Linc to get to Aldo through him. They wanted to kill Aldo so he and his information about the Company would be gone forever.

  2. U need 2 watch the rest, b/c it is a great show and it does explain it.

  3. delete the question!

    i dont think ur up to the part yet...!!

    they explain by one..

    so be paitent!!

    so let othes ruin it for you!!

    trust me!!

    its worth it!

    so delete the question!!!

    Edit:...okk what are you up to? (its been a while since i watched it)...has anything happened to Terrence yet?

    Edit2: The reason Lincoln is framed for murder is because Lincoln's father leaked information out to the public about Ecofield, Terrence Steadman's company, so "The Company" set Lincoln up to bring him into the open.

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