
Prison Escort Guards?

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What type of people do get employed for this?

When I was being transferred by a certain private security company the guard only seemed about 20, had tattoos and a foreign accent and looked more like somebody going to jail than me. Was totally different to the screws in prison.




  1. They are not hired on appearance but on ability to do the job

  2. maybe he did the job well

  3. im working in a prison at the moment and our escorts are

    1 retired 2 people are 70 yr old keep coming back

    2 ex miners

    3 retired prison officers

    4 just a bit nuts

  4. Probably somebody who was Bullied at School...But these people,,are more Human than the prison Screws,,

  5. Nearly all prison escorts within the UK are carried out by privately contracted companies. All staff employed by those companies will have had to have been security cleared.

    Otherwise, the companies have their own uniform and standards of dress and appearance. In the end you get what you pay for.

  6. Some government agencies hire private companies to transfer prisoners.  Not as strict hiring guidelines for those private companies, but have always had them do a good job.
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