my fiancé's dad is in hospital at the moment, suffering from cancer. It doesn't look good at all and as he isn't home, there is no way for my fiancé to call him from prison. I mean you can't do a collect call to a hospital phone, right?
My fiancé has been crying for days know and all he wants is to speak to his dad for a few minutes. He means A LOT to him as he was the one who brought him up... It is so hard on him...
The prison told me there might be a possibility for a special call if his dad is so sick which means that he doesn't have to add him to his phone list (he couldn't do so until October which is going to be too late).
My fiancé told me they definitely won't allow him to do a normal phone call - no way. I'm planning on calling my fiancé`s counselor later today to see what he tells me but before doing so, I was wondering of anyone of you has ever been through something like that and knows if there is a possibility?
Thank you for letting me know!