
Prius question, how long can the prius run on one fuelling? oh and can you still go on long road trips?

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0 LIKES UnLike much distance can the prius run on full petrol tank + fully charged battery. and will it last long road trips?

Oh btw and about the batteries, i know they recharge from kinetic energy from braking, but is it that enough to last road trips and if so how much distance with full fuel tank and full battery




  1. I get 500 miles per tank, so for everyday driving, I fill up once every two weeks. I haven't gone on long road trips yet.

  2. The most I have gotten on my Prius is 560 miles on one ten-gallon tank.

    By the way, I once let my gas completely run out, just to see how long I could go on battery alone... it was only about a mile.

  3. A Prius can get about 500 miles on a single tank.  The battery is recharged from the gasoline engine, and from breaking.  The battery is kept slightly discharged (never fully charged) just so there is room to store energy when breaking.

    IT IS NOT A BATTERY POWERED VEHICLE.  The gasoline engine powers the vehicle.  The battery and electric motor are only there to provide boosts when accelerating.  The gasoline engine is slightly undersized, just enough to keep the car moving with minimal acceleration.  The Prius will run as long as there is gas in the tank.  The electric motor is really not powerful enough to propel the Prius on its own (it's about 20 HP), and the batteries have a shallow capacity.  The Prius is an "electric assist" hybrid.  Basically; no gas, no go.

    The Prius does perfectly fine for long journeys, just as long as you aren't going somewhere without gas stations.

    Servicing the Prius costs about the same as any other small car.  The only problem is when the 10 year/100,000 mile battery warranty runs out, and you get hit with a $3,000 to $5,000 replacement cost.  Toyota claims a 150,000 mile to 200,000 mile lifetime (15 to 20 years), but my experience with NiMH batteries suggests a 5 to 8 year lifetime.

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