
Private, Public, Christian School (Other?)

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What type of school do your kids go to? Likes vs dislikes?

Which is best in your opinion and why?

(My oldest is only 3 1/2 so I have a while but have been thinking a lot about this lately.)




  1. Christian School

    he will start this year

    smaller classes more attention

  2. Obviously, you know my son isn't old enough to go to school yet, lol...

    But - I went to a private Christian school from kindergarten thru 6th grade.  Then I went to public schools from 7th thru high school.

    Christian school - I received a better education.  When I transitioned into public school, they actually wanted to advance me into the 8th grade, skipping 7th, but my parents refused to do that because I was already younger than most kids that were going to be in my classes (my birthday is in August, when I graduated I was 17, they didn't want me to graduate when I was 16).

    However, I was happier when I was in public school.  No strict dress codes, a little less strict environment, I had more friends than in public schools, etc.  I feel like sometimes I have a snotty attitude and I swear I think it's because of going to private school.  (My mom thinks I'm crazy because I say that, but I honestly believe it.)

    Now, all that being said - when it comes to Johnny.... If I could afford it, I would try to do the same thing with him - have him start out at a Christian school and then transition him over to public schools when he was a little older.  But that school is _expensive_.  :)

    Just my opinion.

  3. I went to public school and had no problems with it. My husband went to private Catholic school and he hated it. So, our son will probably go to public school. But, he's not even a year old yet, so we have plenty of time.

  4. I cannot afford private school and I would never send my son to a Catholic school (no offense intended here) so that leaves us to one option…public school.

    I attended  public school when I was younger. My sister attended private. I walked away with 1000 times more social skills, was very much involved in sports, and I had no problems whatsoever with attended a public school. My sister, on the other hand, felt she needed more of a challenge and even said that she felt she was too good for public school. My parents spent an INSANE amount of tuition on my sister to attend for 4 yrs at a private high school. She walked away with a lot of great experiences and met lots of great people. She just took a completely different path than I did.

    We both went to college. I went to a state college, she went to private. Again, my parents had to spend insane amounts of money on her education because she always felt she was above “public and state” schools. We both graduated, however, my sister then continued on for her Masters at yet another private college. Her student loans are coming out of her ears….

    I personally don’t think private school is all that better of a school than public. Each has pros and cons and if you weigh them out, I assume it’d come down to personal preference.

    Right or wrong, I’ve always associated private schools with stuck up snobs. And I love my sister very much, but she’s also very much a snob. And she attended private school. Maybe it’s a p**s poor assumption, but it’s what I’ve come across when comparing the people I met in high school versus the people she met in high school.

  5. My kids are in public school.  

    My oldest has various special needs which require her to have an in-class support worker.  The funding for such things are not available to students who attend private schools - at least not here - and it's always been a big fight to gain every inch we have with the school board.  

    Also, I already pay school taxes, why would I want to shell out thousands more to send my children to a private school, where the standard of learning is the same as any other school where they can learn for free.

    Lastly and most importantly, I don't want my children to get a false sense of security and the wrong ideals of society.  They really NEED to learn that there are different people with deferent religions, beliefs and backgrounds.  If I sent them to let's say a Catholic/Christian school, they'd all be the same and I fear that they would have issues assimilating into the work force at a later time.  I think it's important for children to learn about all kinds of things, and not just one belief system.  

    That being said, only the parents can decide what is right for their child.  Listen to your children's wishes as well and i'm sure things will go great.

  6. Our son is starting a private, catholic school in just four weeks...kindergarten!!  The only reason we chose this route is because the district we live in is ranked the 2nd lowest in our county.  Our house is beautiful....and it's on a nice, dead end street...BUT, the schools really suck!  

  7. I went to a Catholic School.  It was a great experience.  Wonderful education.  My daughter will be starting school next fall. My husband and I have looked into several schools already.  We have decided to send her to public school.  I'm not sure it's the case everywhere, but here, enrollment is down in private schools - which affects the funds available & the opportunities a school can provide a child.  After much research and thought, we've decided the best move for her education is a public school.  

  8. public

    prepares them better for life, because there are a lot of different people with cultural and background differences

    whats bad about public school is just the whole system. You really have to be responsible for yourself because there are just so many kids its hard for staff to put a lot of attention on just your child.

  9. My 6 and 10 year old go to public school.  They get religious education one day a week at our church.  They go to public school because I feel that there is no guarantee of a "certified" teacher at a private elementary school.  Their teacher could just be someones mom.  I went to public grammar school in our town when I was little and I was always so much more advanced in my studies than my friends who were a year older and in the catholic school.  My 15 year old goes to a Catholic High School but this was her choice, and she loves it.  The public high school in our town is really big (900+kids) and she didn't want any part of it.  She went to public grammar school and is in all honors classes at the high school and getting all A's.

  10. i went to private cathiloic school and it was the worst expirenec of my life. when i went to public school in high school it saved my life...literally i got really depressed go to private cathiloic school bad memories

  11. I personally like public schools. I am in high school myself and I have been to them all. Public lets the kids wear what they want and be with boys and girls. I personally think that is the best way to go.  

  12. I like Charter schools.  The education seems to be better than a public school, but they're free.  

  13. My daughter attended a charter school last year because the public schools in our zone are awful.  Pros: uniforms, parents who care as much about their child's education as we do, teachers who go above and beyond.  I can't think of any cons except they don't provide transportation, so we had to take her to and from school daily.

  14. i went to a public high school and then i transferred into a private catholic high school. It was a positive experience for me. Sure they were way more strict than public but because of that the students were more controlled and could focus more on education and striving for success instead of getting into troubles and being under bad influences.  

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