
Private/Catholic school VS. Public School?

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Im taking a poll which one would you choose for your child(ren) im going more towards Private/Catholic school because i have 2 great cousins who both made Top in their Grad. Class. But i went to public school all my life and i turned out fine. any advice?




  1. I went to both a private catholic school, public schools, and then a public boarding school, lol. So here is the biggest difference: A private school is going to have a lot less students, so your child will get extra attention. Other than that, however, honestly the only difference I noticed between a private school and a public school is that in a private school the kids mainly make fun of another student behind their back, but at a public school they will do it to their face. Sounds crazy, but that is really the only differences I ever noticed.

  2. never send your child to catholic schools

  3. well my doughter has gone to Catholic private school and she's switching to private.

  4. It depends on what public schools you are speaking of. I live in Newton, MA just outside of Boston but Newton has some of the finest public schools in the nation. I have sent my kids to these schools and my oldest foster child just got accepted to Harvard. Another one of my children asked to be sent to a military academy because he hopes to attend Westpoint at some point. I gladly sent him. I left the choice to my children when they were to go to highschool. And if they change their mind I support that as well. I guided them in their decisions, but utltimately left it to them.

  5. I went to public school and personally I would never send my kids to public school.  It was awful.  We won't make a decision on which until it gets a little closer but we will either homeschool or send them to Christian (interdenominational, we are not Catholic) private school.  My best friend is an elementary school teacher at a public school and I hear such stories...

  6. My husband and I have decided to send our children to Catholic School for Pre-Kindergarten and Kindergarten. Then transfer them to public school when they reach 1st grade. My oldest daughter is in kindergarten now, which is almost done, and she doesn't seem to mind switching schools. We will do the same with our two younder children, one who is only two and the other who I'm pregnant with.

  7. Private/Catholic schools are nice but also not as great.....

    1. They will sell Drugs Alcoholic Beverages it doesn't matter which school there will still be bad kids.

    2. School uniforms are a major part of private.

  8. I've sent my daughter to both.  She went to private/Catholic school through 8th grade.  She started out at a Catholic high school, but we moved her early in the year.  There atr pros and cons about both.  My daughter is extremely intelligent, but was behind in some areas when she switched to public schools.  Ex - Spanish.  She was barely exposed to it in elementary.  The public school where I live has a ton of money, so they offer everything under the sun.  My daughter flourished at both schools, but really likes what is being offered to her at public.  Look at the public school in your area.  What do they have to offer?  Do the same for the private.  Make the decision based on your child's needs.

  9. Totally depends on where you live, don't you think?

    I live in St. Louis County (Missouri, USA).  We have GREAT public schools.  On the other hand, St. Louis City schools lost their accreditation, have a drop-out rate close to 50%, can't afford good teachers, etc.

    For my kids, public school will be fine--at least right now.

  10. I went to public school until I was in 8th grade, then my parents sent me (against my will) to a college prep, non-religious private school. I think the private school gave me a much better education. When I started college, my classes were EASY compared to high school. My college classmates had no idea how to handle the workload. Also, the private school kids were much classier than public school kids. They were polite to adults and much nicer to other kids. It wasn't perfect, there were still cliques and stuff, but  in general people were just nicer. Also, the teachers were much more involved in kids' lives and 98% of the students went on to college. I think the school gave kids a lot more opportunities. It just seemed like it was easier to succeed and to become a productive adult in private school. I definitely want to send my kids to private school.

  11. I personally don't think one is better than the other for basics.  If your child has learning disabilities of any kind, they have far less  help at a catholic school.  If you want your children strong in science and mathematics, a public school is usually a far better choice.  Catholic schools traditionally were stronger in such things as writing and history, but I'm not so sure that is true any longer especially considering that there are few, if any, nuns involved in the curriculum or teaching.

    You really have to look at the schools in your district to make a decision.  Some have terrible schools, some there really is no difference.   In our district, the Catholic school is awful.  When kids transfer to the public school, they often need tutoring to catch up in Math (we're talking 4th grade now).  And, like I said, if a child has a learning problem, that will never be addressed in the private school. The student will instead be continually blamed for not working hard enough.

  12. I teach at a public high school and I will NEVER send my children to a public school.  Not because the teachers are better, but the way the school works makes more sense.  Did you know that a child in the 9th grade with a 4th grade reading level could be in your child's class (public school).  Not just one, but more could be in there...bringing the class down.  That would not happen in a private school because the state does not impose their "no child left behind" or "inclusion" laws in private schools!  I know that sounds horrible and I am all about students with special needs getting the help they need, I just have experience and have seen 1st hand how the whole class can be affected by a few.

    I went to public school myself when I was young, but things have changed SOOOO much!

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